The Concept of Research Resources

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Roz welcome back to my channel so this video is about the concept of riches and riches proposal so let me go to the slides directly surface full madoff already heard about the different types of studies so the most basic are the perspectives the ideas simple exploratory studies and then we often see the case reports as well and then another type of studies are the cross-sectional surveys which include certain sample and then a snapshot of the study similarly case control studies these are the analytical studies which categorize the people into cases and controls and then do the analysis retrospectively to identify the factors or to explore the factors similarly cohort studies these are the prospective the longitudinal studies usually follow up the individuals over time and then find out their outcome similarly there are experimental studies as well the most common theme are the randomized control trials or the are cities and also these days people often talk about systematic reviews and meta-analyses which are mostly done for the from the randomized control trials they they combine the different studies and then they draw inference by calculating the effect size so this kind of studies are called systematic reviews and meta-analyses so these are the different type of studies okay so you can explore these different common lodges in the internet or in the textbooks to learn more so let’s go from the introduction so richer’s is a careful and detailed study into a specific problem concern is you using a scientific method so there are different different sayings about how the research features of research design, feature of research design world was native some say that the Reese’s come ruses came from the two words three answers while many textbooks say that the research features of research design, feature of research designers were came from the French word research features of research design, feature of research designing which means to go about seeking while research features of research design, feature of research design is needed and the simple explanation is that we talk about the evidence-based practice in medicine they talk about evidence-based medicine in other fields to say evidence-based practice so for any practice for any intervention there should be evidence right and this evidence exempted from the systematic source of knowledge and this systematic source of knowledge is called Richards okay so there are scores of definitions available in the internet on what is Fisher’s so they say that the scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic is called research features of research design, feature of research design even the dictionary say is a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts and brands of knowledge as defined by Redmond and Murray is the systematic effort to gain new knowledge before woody says a resource comprises defining and redefining the problems formulating hypotheses or suggested solutions collecting organizing and evaluating data making deductions and raising conclusions and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypotheses so this is the comprehensive definition of the research features of research design, feature of research design there are many other definitions as well so the manipulation of things concepts are symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend correct or verified knowledge with that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in the practice of an art is defined by slicing ER and his defection research features of research design, feature of research design the systematic and rigorous process of inquiry which aims to describe phenomena and to this development – explanatory concepts and theories and ultimately aims to contribute to a scientific body of knowledge and more specifically in context of healthy he aims to improve health health outcomes and health services different definitions so this is one of the important slides purpose and objectives of Richards okay so based on the different kinds of resources that we saw in the pyramid in the first slide the research features of research design, feature of research designers may be exploratory descriptive it may be explanatory may be experimental and these all all designs have their own objectives and own approaches for example if the purpose is exploration then that process could be exploratory studies experience surveys case studies a pilot studies any small focus group discussions if the purpose is description then the studies are description descriptive study that mostly they are the cross-sectional surveys and even it may be the content analysis if the aim is explained it to explanation then then the approaches are core studies case cover stories and ecological studies and if the aim is experiment then the process could be experiment and immense control trials coming to droughts and field rats and and and here is the detailed explanation on each of those designs okay so for example in exploration we explore the new topic issue in order to learn about it so we can post this video and then take a screenshot of this of this particular slide so this may be useful for you and you can even pause the video to read in these details okay so let me go go into the next slide so it scope of research features of research design, feature of research designers to simplify I have categorize it as ABCD efg so it’s very easy to remember okay so H stands for administration so resources are widely used in the administration field to describe analyze propose test or evaluate the state policies and procedures they are widely used in biology and light processes systems from B and C in chemistry physics astronomy in TN engines in engineering similarly in forestry agriculture environment government programs and policies in health in hospitality management sector in industry business and marketing to improve the job processes and functions and also in the social phenomenon for example to study the relationship in the society to study about kinship social processes ok so so this is not the complete list again so so it means that the research features of research design, feature of research design is used in every discipline ok so what are the characteristics of research features of research design, feature of research design resources logical and objective treatment is a systematic investigation and all these tips are carefully planned so guided by space felices question problem or maybe even the hypothesis if this study is an article similarly it realizing data from primary or secondary sources or even both research features of research design, feature of research design requires the trained personnel to conduct the data collection to avoid the information bias ok similarly research features of research design, feature of research design requires to carefully plan and design tools for example the questionnaire by the help of which we collect the data the research features of research design, feature of research design is carefully recorded and reported a resource is cyclical by nature so conceptually research features of research design, feature of research design is carried out and then the intervention is followed by the research features of research design, feature of research design and then again we evaluate the intervention so the research features of research design, feature of research design goes in a cyclic all nature and all research features of research design, feature of research design requires a great deal of car is ok because there are certain sensitive areas in which the resources need to be polled enough and they need to be courageous to carry out the research features of research design, feature of research design so are the criteria for a guru shoes a resource should be systematic ok so these steps should be organized it should be logical it should be based in the logical reasoning it should be patient the plausible problem question or assumption should be empirical so it should should rely on the investigation of the data election that is the information that provides the basis for the validity similarly a ratio should be applicable the result should be able to drive interventions and the research features of research design, feature of research design done 1:1 settings would be able to be replicated in another setting or another place so some of the differences so resource is broadly of two types the basic research features of research design, feature of research design and applied research features of research design, feature of research design basic thesis is about discovering or inventing something new and applied research features of research design, feature of research design is applying the existing theory or existing existing basic concept in solving the certain problem so the problem based on the research features of research design, feature of research designer interest basically says is usually intuitive in nature well as applied research features of research design, feature of research design is mostly the action already ended okay so the selection of problem is totally choice of the research features of research design, feature of research designer the problem and if it is needs patient the literature review so most of the research features of research design, feature of research design that are between theses in our academic institutions are applied research features of research design, feature of research designes some of them are basic mostly in the natural science okay even in the qualitative studies assessing grounded theories in drug discovery etc but but most of the studies that we are doing our academic research features of research design, feature of research design and our theses are the Applied Research features of research design, feature of research design.

Okay so now you can you can try to distinguish whether the research features of research design, feature of research design that you are conducting or that you have conducted falls into the these categories okay so reaches proposal so is the next topic that we are dealing with research features of research design, feature of research design proposal is the region statement of research features of research design, feature of research design design that includes a statement explaining the purpose of study so it gives the detail outline the procedures are seeded with a particular methodology and also research features of research design, feature of research design proposal helps to provide an argument and why the research features of research design, feature of research design is needed okay so it describes the process and how the losses will be carried out it also gives you an idea about whether this study will be feasible or not and also it helps to prevent the future disagreements over the proposed activities outcomes and resources so finally who needs our research features of research design, feature of research design proposal so first of all the primary recipient the primary audience of our wishes proposal is we ourselves okay so because it it helps to guide ourselves throughout the process so with the good research features of research design, feature of research design proposal we can do research features of research design, feature of research design in an organized way so similarly if it’s an academic research features of research design, feature of research design the research features of research design, feature of research design proposal is needed by the college department for approval okay so even the institutions that that give you permission to collect the data they also require the fishiest proposal because they want to make sure that the research features of research design, feature of research design you are conducting is it’s not hampering or it’s not against their institutional law or policies similarly reese’s proposal may be needed by the funding agencies if you’re applying it for certain grants ok so then then the funding agencies may require your research features of research design, feature of research design proposal and also the respondents may also ask for the research features of research design, feature of research design proposal sometimes what happens is there when you’re doing the research features of research design, feature of research design the respondents need to be provided with the summary proposal in their consent from explaining the background objective and implication of our ratios so even the constant from the informed consent form is also a kind of proposal it’s a kind of very brief proposal okay in which you explain everything about your wishes starting with the title with the matters with the impact or something like that and also research features of research design, feature of research design proposal is needed by the regulatory agencies for example the council the article review boards the government parties the associations that have for activation or the health or giving the permission to carry research features of research design, feature of research design so this is it this is about the concept of wishes okay so we deal with many topics we dealt with the different types of studies the introduction of riches the definitions and even the the a process okay based on the purpose and objectives and also we talked about the scope of issues in different disciplines starting from a ministration to policy to the health sector to industrial sector sociology etc we talked about our should be the guy to say we would reuse also the criteria the difference is between basic and applied research features of research design, feature of research design which is proposal and also the audience of research features of research design, feature of research design proposal so this was meant to be for the beginners okay so who are struggling with learning ratios for the first time so it may be helpful for you.

I you can you can refer to the standard textbooks or the web sites or even other lecture notes from different universities online to know more about the concept of pressures and the process of research features of research design, feature of research design so thank you very much if you think that this video is useful say it with the colleagues okay and also don’t forget to subscribe to my channel if you have not yet subscribed thank you for buying Cheers.

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