How to Find the Impact Factor for a Journal

In this video I’m going to show you find the impact factor for a journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor the impact factor is one tool that people use to evaluate the quality of a journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor what it measures is just the frequency with which the average article in a journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor has been cited in a particular year or period if you’re looking for that measure the way that you would find it here in the VCU libraries is to first come to the Tompkins McColl library webpage once here come to the box says search collections and click on web of science once you’ve done this you’ll come to a page it looks like the one before you and from here the next step is to come up here to where it says select the database and click here you’ll see a several different databases the one for our purpose is to find the impact factor is right here journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor citation reports you would click on it once you’ve done that you’ll come to this page and from here you have a couple options you can come here and select the different edition and year of the journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor citation report you want there’s a journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor citation and report science edition and there’s one for social science depending on your interest now some topics or categories or subjects however you want to label them up here in both editions nursing being one of those so I can click either one of these and select it in order to see the nursing journal environmental science and pollution research impact factors in this case I’m going to leave it at the science Edition and I’m going to choose 2011 because that is the most recent year for which an impact factor has been figured and so that will give me the most recent numbers now if you are looking at other years and you want to kind of see a trend you can look at other years by using this drop down menu once you’ve selected your journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor citation report Edition and year that you want the next step is to come over here to where it says select an option and from here you can view a group of journal environmental science and pollution research impact factors by subject category publisher career territory or even search for a specific journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor if you want or you can you look at all journal environmental science and pollution research impact factors I find looking at them by subject category it’s probably the most useful because when you’re looking at the journal environmental science and pollution research impact factors you’re able to see how the journal environmental science and pollution research impact factors you may be interested in compared to other journal environmental science and pollution research impact factors in that particular field so I’m going to leave this just the way it is and click Submit once I’ve done that I’ll now come to a list of the categories of subjects that are covered in this particular database for finding the impact factor and I can scroll through here as they’re in alphabetical order to find a particular topic in this case I’m interested in nursing but if I was interested in more than looking at more than one of these what I could do is if say I wanted nursing and nutrition and dietetics I could click I could actually hold down the control button and also click on the one below nursing and you’ll notice that they’re both highlighted and if I were to go down here to submit it would show me both in this case though I just want nursing so I’m just going to click on the nursing one from there I can then go to view Journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor data and here I can sit in my journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor title total sites impact factor or any other measure that you see here below in this case.

I’m going to leave that a journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor title I can also look at view category data by looking at this particular drop-down menu and selecting it it just depends on what your need is in this case though I just want to see the nursing journal environmental science and pollution research impact factors and I want them to be displayed by journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor title so I can click Submit and what you’ll now notice is that I have a list of the journal environmental science and pollution research impact factors in the nursing category and what you’ll notice is that they’re in alphabetical order and over here to the right you’ll notice I have their impact factor and in some cases I’ll even have a 5-year impact factor if you’re looking for a trend now from here if I wanted to switch this to seeing which journal environmental science and pollution research impact factors have the highest impact factor in the field of Nursing I could come up here to adjourn title click on this this drop down menu and go to impact factor when I do that then I can just hit sort again and it will resource the journal environmental science and pollution research impact factors so that the one with the highest impact factor is listed first and that is how you find the impact factor for a journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor by using the journal environmental science and pollution research impact factor citation report you.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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