Descriptive Research Design

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On research experimental research design types methodology in the series of discussion on research experimental research design types methodology this video is on types of research experimental research design types design there are various types of research experimental research design types design this video is on descriptive research experimental research design types design and descriptive research experimental research design types design a research experimental research design typeser observes and describes the behavior of subjects when he describes and observes the behavior of subject he does not influence the object descriptive research experimental research design types designed describes anything for example demographic characteristics of consumers are being described by research experimental research design typeser while describing the demographic characteristics of consumers research experimental research design typeser is not going to influence consumers social scientists psychologists management research experimental research design typeser observed the behavior of object and they do not influence the object sometimes companies may be interested to know the response of sales promotion tools on prospects it is a kind of situation in which companies may have launched some sales promotion tools and company is interested to know the response from the side of prospects similarly company may be interested to know the behavior of employees in case of a specific context maybe a company has launched some incentives tools for employees and now the company is interested to know the response of employees there are two methods of descriptive research experimental research design types design first case research experimental research design types design and second is statistical design or quantitative design we will discuss it one by one the first method of descriptive research experimental research design types design is case research experimental research design types design in case research experimental research design types design a research experimental research design typeser tries to have an insight in a particular situation there might be several problems of events or situation in which research experimental research design typeser is trying to have some conclusion or understanding or explanation and for that a research experimental research design typeser tries to collect detailed analysis of those problem events or situation now the question is how a case is developed by research experimental research design typeser there are four steps that is to be followed by a research experimental research design typeser first data collection second organization of data third narrative of case study and food validation of tannerite for example a company which has a successful marketing strategy for an entire region maybe some part of the region is not responding well with slipping sales data company is having in a particular situation that has to be sorted out now the research experimental research design typeser very develop a case and it will collect the data of a particular problem organize the data accordingly in a chronological order and a particular narrative of a case study with its validation for example sleeping cells of a particular marketing strategy with the same failing strategy of different companies can be linked to validate the narrative the second method to conduct descriptive research experimental research design types design is statistical design or quantitative design under statistical design or quantitative design quantification of relationship between different variables are conducted variables like weight each time performance etc are quantified for example marketers are interested to know many things before they launch a product maybe they have different bunch of products and they want to know the reaction of prospects with a bunch of products with respect to B bunch of products there are two ways to conduct statistical design the first is longitudinal analysis and second is cross sectional analysis.

Both of these will be discussed one by one in longitudinal analysis information is collected from a fixed sample on continuous basis for example and vizor is interested to know the effectiveness of a particular advertisement on a fixed audience and now under longitudinal analysis audience would be fixed and effectiveness of advertisement on several parameters will be pasted on different times but the thing is that the audience is the same so that is why it is known as longitudinal analysis in which sample is fixed in this case audience is fixed but you will have information you will assist the effectiveness of advertisement at different times contrary to longitudinal analysis cross sectional analysis conducts data at one specific time it is popular in psychology social science or education in cross sectional analysis.

A research experimental research design typeser observes many characteristics like age gender and income for example when you have to study the response of advertisement of two age group at a single point of time in this case you are studying two samples at a particular point of time so friends this video was on descriptive research experimental research design types design if you liked this video kindly press the like button and subscribe my channel to get the notification of my latest videos.

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