Research in political science will be a new topic for most of you, but this article will explore the subjects ofdefining research and will go in-depth about the research methods in political science. There are various methods for defining research especially when it comes to political science. In addition, there are research methods in political science, public administration, public policy, and international relations. Defining researchand understanding the basicsfor oneself can be the initial step any person who has a keen interest in research can do. Defining research is a technical method or a systematic investigation and study of materials, where the researcher will come to newer and innovative conclusions.
This article can help you to get a better understanding of research and its relation to political science. You will be knowing the basis of the research methods and also will be defining research in the most appropriate way. This article will aid you to know what is research from practical perspective, what are the different ways to defining research, what are the different types of research, what is the true nature of research, and what are the different steps involved in the research process. Whenever we hear the term research we spend a lot of time defining research, then the things that comes to our mind areprofessional professors, researchers, and so on. These notions of defining research is an age-old concept. If you think about it properly and intelligently, we can have a lot more conclusions on defining research. Research is also a part of our daily life, maybe in one way or another we do conduct research. Maybe thinking and defining research and accepting the concept in a whole other way can give a different outlook to your life. Defining research may give a new definition to your life. Think about what did your parents do and making all the necessary surveys they make a decision about the education of their child. So what did they do actually, that was informal research. So research is the process of investigation in order to resolve our problem. Generally, research and the way of defining researchare based on our existing knowledge. It’s the journey from known to unknown that is why the word research itself explains the meaning. Research is what we build on our existing knowledge, facts, and figures. In the language of research, and when we are at a stage of defining research, it’s all about facts and figures,they are known as data. We contact facts and figures that are data collection. Once a reasonable amount of data has been collected then it is processed. An analysis is also done. Now we will be defining research, so we can say research is the process of data collection and data analysis in order to provide answers to our questions. However the issue is foreign it is not the only case. Your decision about any problem is only your decision. It is informal research. Now, in order to make your decision you are finding your knowledge worthwhile acceptable for everyone you need to do scientific research so there is another thing called scientific research. Now when we look at the term scientific research, we will be defining research and defining scientific research at the same time. Science is the knowledge acquired through observations and experiments and when we say scientific the term scientific means that any activity, any process which has been conducted completed by adopting certain procedures and steps. So science means something done systematically so we can define scientific research as research which is a scientific inquiry that is conducted by adopting certain principles and applying certain techniques and steps or procedures in order to generate fresh knowledge only then such a research will be acceptable to everyone. That is when we say scientific research it means it is based on science, observation, and experiments. It is not based on our free will. The true nature of scientific research is that it is verifiable, everyone and anyone can verify. Whatwe have concluded in the research can be verified with the accuracy of your research. If it is scientific research it is not based on your liking and disliking so verifiability, accuracy, testability,and replicability, these things reflect the true nature of scientific research. It is defining research to be said exactly it is defining scientific research. Yes, we are talking here about defining research, but not any research scientific research. Now when we say research in political science our focus revolves around three things that are, individual as a citizen, as a worker ,and as a consumer. The life of an individual, the issues that he or she faces in civil society, the problems within society, and state governance. So generally speaking these three spheres of research are available to students and researchers in political science. Now we can conduct research and defining researchis common and simple. We can work on issues like how the state is actually existing in the 21st century, here we are more concerned about issues of governance in today’s life like electoral politics, accountability, trust transparency, political instability, law and order issues, poverty, human rights, abuses, all of these things some way or other are connected with the issues of governance. So there is a lot of space for conducting research in political science.
Different types of research methods in Social Science:
Nowdefining researchin politics be defined into different types. There are two types of research in political science: public administration and public policy. One we call applied research and the other is basic research. When we say applied research this research is practical in nature this is such research that is meant to resolve a very particular problem so actually, the findings of the research are supposed to resolve a certain problem.When we say pure research paperdefining researchand your specific research is meant to enhance our understanding of the subject. Defining research every time can add new concepts to your existing concepts. It is onlymeant to add to the existing body of the subject development of theories. Let me give you an example of applied research in political science. A political scientist wants to understand why they remain a low turnout in the general election. In a particular constituency if he or she is able to investigate and bring out the causes, and dynamics of the low turnout then the election commission of that state or the government political parties all of these stakeholders can involve themselves and rectify those causes so that in the next election there will be a fair or high turnout. So there are several examples similarly a public policy that can be examined by a researcher that examines and evaluates a particular public policy. The purpose is to revisit the policy and bring forth its weaknesses and shortcoming so that the government can re-design that policy in a manner that really facilitates the message. Now in the last section we will discuss what are the different steps involved in the research process. There are four steps involved in the research process: the first is topic selection, second data collection, third data analysis, and fourth is report writing. Before moving to all these concepts you should be defining research with your topic giving it perfect content and analysis. So these are the four steps involved in the research process and in our coming articles, we will go into the details of each and every step involved in the research process . Our next article will be on topic selection.Topic selection is an extremely important part of the research process. If you are able to select your topic rightly correctly, then you will be in a position to complete it right on time. So that is very important. You should be defining research topic of yours. Students are beginners they always feel extremely confused and disturbed at this stage, so please don’t forget to read the next article.
About Global Research Letters:
Global Research Letter can help you redefine your thoughts. By defining research and helping you to assist throughout your research journey is what Global Research Letter aims for. Defining research for you in your convenient way is what their vision is. Researching about the various issues of research that you are dealing with can be simplified by Global Research Letters. Global Research Letters help in various ways not only in defining research but also in promoting good political research. If you are in a dilemma to know about research in politics then Global Research Letters can be the perfect guide for your research.