How to Write a Master’s Thesis

Hello everyone so in this video.

I’m going to discuss about the structure of a bachelor or master thesis  research article format, format of research article so you can use it for both okay and it’s it’s it’s a very good way of presenting your scientific thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article and scientific analysis okay so let’s see first of all one of the characteristics of a well-written master thesis  research article format, format of research article or bachelor thesis  research article format, format of research article it has to be clear it has to be concise it should be logical in the reader you should write it in a logical manner – you should emphasize on the right aspects you should organize the paragraphs in a meaningful way there should be a smooth transition from one topic to another topic and you have to choose appropriate words when you are writing okay so many of us actually we do not really get the idea of academic writing but academic writing is a bit different than simple English writing okay we have to we have to focus on that good idea the best advice I can give you to improve your academic writing is to read more read more journal articles the more you read and try to adapt their pattern so the more you read the better you’ll get okay here I’m going to talk about the structure of a well-written thesis  research article format, format of research article so first of all he will have an introductory part page I don’t normally you will put the title of your study of your thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article and remember that the title the good title is often not more than 18 words and the shorter the better and then you will have the abstract in that string you summarize what you have done throughout you you you start with why your study is important okay for whom it is important why you have written it how you have written it what you have found and again the implication of your findings for managerial practice and for theory a good abstract is normally about 200 to 300 words okay and then you will have preface or acknowledgement where you try to or if there were some other motivation rather than only pressuring the degree to convict this thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article on this particular topic and also you try to thank your supervisor your other friends and colleagues who helped you with a there are other things so you try to support them you try to mention them and pledge their support you will have a table of contents where you will give heading of each of the topics in your thesis  research article format, format of research article and respective page numbers so that people can move between pages of their interest and then you will also give a list of tables and figures in your thesis  research article format, format of research article so that people can also move between the tables and figures of their interest okay then we have the main body here we have the introduction first introduction again you try to motivate why we’re doing this study why it is important okay this kind of things and then you will have the literature review so first you conduct this literature analysis of previous literature’s we will the previous studies of your thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article so what other thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research articleers have done in the past and then you try to place your thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article within those thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article so you you say okay those guys have done these things these theories were used you try to kind of analyze them critically and then you put okay there is a gap and this is what I’m trying to feel with my thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article okay and then you will have data and methodology section saying data if you yeah you describe your data whether it is qualitative or quantitative use regulator characteristics of your data and then you describe the methodology how you analyze the data how you plan to analyze the data sometimes people have two categories shared there is one category methodologies another section two sections here and then you have the results so after analyzing whatever you got you just present them in the results section you don’t discuss them you just present what you found and you will have a discuss objection when you discuss what you have found you try to reflect whether previous thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article supported your as well or you have a conflict with previous thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article with your findings these things you discussed there and what would be the reason maybe what couldn’t be the reason for for not matching the findings are similarities in findings okay you can discuss this kind of things or or overall like the results you’ve found what is the what is the reason for that what are the implications for that these kind of things you discuss the conclusion section you kind of repeat the overall thing whatever you have done so you start we do these things for this you have done these days these things and you have found these do these things so you just repeat very briefly the whole study again and then you will have a limitation and salvation for future future thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article section so we can all know that every study has some limitations so you you don’t try to hide it express it audience no nice way so that based on our limitations we also suggest some future thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article okay so that’s how we sometimes we combine these limitations and future thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article with conclusion so last couple of paragraphs of conclusions will be the limitations and suggestions and then we have the finishing part we have this references it’s very important it’s it’s one of the most important things in academic writing you proper you maintain you maintain appropriate style of referencing many of the students don’t really get it please maintain a proper referencing style and if you need help when if you have too many references sometimes the reference management software’s homes and don’t delay then you will have the appendix sections depending section we put those things which were things that you have done for your thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article but they are not very cold very study so that you don’t okay so you just show them you presented in Appendix A to show your audience that okay you have done these these things okay so if you maintain these points in your thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article report it should be a very good thesis  research article format, format of research article research article format, format of research article report very good thesis  research article format, format of research article okay and we will discuss in our future videos on each of the points bit more into detail so have a look on our channel subscribe to our channel for details and for our upcoming videos and thank you very much for watching so you liked it please like comment share.

Where to find great master’s thesis papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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