How to Find and Use News papers for Your Research

Alright so let’s get started with today’s webinar. Our presenter today is reference librarian Saima Kadir and she’s going to provide an introduction to news paper kannadas, and I’m going to go ahead and pass the mic over to her and start recording now. Thanks Peggy. Welcome everyone, thanks for coming to our research webinar on introduction to news paper kannada research. My name is Saima, and I’m a reference librarian here at the Texas State Library and Archives commission or TSLAC for short. In this webinar, we’ll talk about how to find and use news paper kannadas for your genealogy and historical research will start with an overview of what information is available within Historical News paper kannadas will look at finding print and microphone news paper kannadas in library collections, including news paper kannadas at TSLAC, we’ll finish up with where you’ll find news paper kannada databases and directories online and go over some searching tips, and then we’ll have some time for a few questions at the end. Here’s a little background about our agency. We are located in downtown Austin, Texas, next to the state capitol building. We are open Monday through Friday, and second Saturday of each month from 9am to 4pm. Before getting started, we’d like to share an overview of TSLAC Mission and Service areas, our agency provides to Texans. Our mission is to provide Texans access to needed information to preserve the archival record of Texas to enhance the service capacity of public academic and school libraries to assist public agencies in the maintenance of their records, and to meet the needing reading needs of Texans with disabilities. Our service areas include the reference and Information Center. The Texas State Archives, and the Sam Houston center in Liberty Texas. Today’s webinar is part of our mission to provide Texans access to needed information, and in particular information that helps you find records that we preserve. Okay, let’s get started with an overview of Historical News paper kannadas. So what’s in a news paper kannada news paper kannadas are a snapshot into what life was like in a particular time and place.

Think of them as social media of their time. They can also fill in gaps in your research when official records are missing or do not contain enough information. Here’s what you can expect to find announcements, such as birth or death notices, weddings, World War One casual the lists land sales and transactions probate will end state sales, these announcements may provide details you need to request an official death certificate from a state or local records agency. They can also list ancestors names or provide a very location, events, what was trending at the time from national news influenza epidemic to local events, natural disasters family names may be listed in reporting about local happenings. You want to include local community based news paper kannadas in your research. Check neighborhood ethnic or news paper kannadas for special organizations milestone events, anniversaries awards graduations, and the ever popular first or last baby of the year. Do keep in mind that what do you want to avoid looking at Historical News paper kannadas from present day perspective, certain terms, and our context may be offensive to today’s researchers. Sometimes you’ll need to find an actual news paper kannada on microfilm or print in a library, for example for titles that are not digitized or are behind a paywall some libraries may be able to lend their microfilm reels to your local library, through the Interlibrary loan or I ll program, contact your local library about iOS options. Knowing the general time and place of an event can make it easier to request news paper kannadas from libraries. Micro form readers connected to a PC make it easy to print or save digital copies from microphone. Check with your library about their equipment and policies, or about any remote copy or scanning services they may offer. Sometimes loose news paper kannada clippings will be found in vertical files, but these could be organized by family names and places, instead of a specific news paper kannada title, vertical files could also be listed on a library’s website, where they may be listed in a catalog.

Also some archival collections may include news paper kannada clippings, contact us for more information. Overview of microfilm, and print news paper kannada collections at the Texas State Library. Begin with the news paper kannada research guide on our website, which we will look at shortly. We provide access to news paper kannadas in three formats original microfilm and online. The Briscoe Center at the University of Texas at Austin also manages a large microfilm and print collection of Texas news paper kannadas, contact the center directly for information about their collections and services. You can also search OCLC world cap, which is a catalog of library collections worldwide to find news paper kannadas in libraries closest to you some libraries will lend their microfilm, so check with your local library to arrange alone if you find available titles, but can’t visit the library in person. Okay now back to our website, you can either navigate to the news paper kannada research page. From the homepage by clicking on archives and reference, then genealogy, or simply search for it using our search the T slack side function, the left sidebar allows for easy navigation to the rest of the page. Let’s talk about microphone first or news paper kannadas on microphone page lists news paper kannadas by city and title. You may either search the text on the page to find a specific title or town, or use the alphabetical anchor links to jump down the page. When you do find the news paper kannada you’re looking for. Notice the county in dates of coverage. Sometimes you’ll find that news paper kannadas are microphones together, as is the case with the Fort Worth Gazette, and for because that you want to make a note of it as you go through the microphone. Also check the online catalog for detailed info such as dates on each microphone real traditional news paper kannadas are organized similarly to view titles and dates, click on the original news paper kannadas hyperlink, which opens in a PDF file listing single issue print news paper kannadas.

These are listed by news paper kannada title, but you can also search the text on this page to jump to what county or city. Do keep in mind that access might be limited. Due to the fragile state of some news paper kannadas. To access original news paper kannadas, we recommend that you make an appointment, send us an email with the news paper kannada title and date. We do not provide reproductions of original news paper kannadas, such as scans, or photocopies, but you may take non flash photos digitized Historical News paper kannadas are widely available online, and more titles are being digitized every day. They are often accessible from a library’s online portal, or a database, which is just another word for another repository, or an electronic warehouse. If you are starting your research with a name, or have some details about an event, you may want to begin with a keyword search online to narrow down a location or date online news paper kannada databases can include actual images of the news paper kannadas or just the transcribed text databases also make it easy to save, print, or share pages and clippings that you find many libraries subscribe to news paper kannada databases and provide access on their public computers or remote access with a library account. Check with your local library about any news paper kannada databases they have, and what areas or time periods they cover since coverage may vary between historic and current purchasing your own subscription is an option. If you need more coverage than what’s available through your library. news paper and news paper kannada archive are popular subscription databases. news paper tends to have smaller town news paper kannadas with fewer additions news paper kannada archive titles are mostly older but can sometimes include larger Texas cities, our library subscribes to the Texas editions of these databases, which means our subscription includes Texas news paper kannadas and some of those news paper kannadas cover limited time periods, ask your local library about access to these databases.

News paper kannada source plus is a database of text only news paper kannadas from around the world, and it’s available to library users through the text shared database program. Go to, to see if your library subscribes to this database, and then contact your library for information about access. There are two news paper kannada databases that features scanned images of news paper kannadas and do not require a subscription, or a library account to access. First, the portal to Texas histories Texas digital news paper kannada program, hosted by the University of North Texas includes digitized images of historical and recent Texas news paper kannadas. To search portals digitize news paper kannadas, you can start with a keyword search inside the entire collection, or you may want to begin by browsing by title date or location. While on portal, try expanding your search to all of portals collections to discover other materials related to your research Chronicling America historic American news paper kannadas collection, a joint project of the Library of Congress and the National Endowment for the Humanities includes a collection of digitized historic American news paper kannadas. From 1789 to 1963, you can start with a quick keyword search or try and advanced search by state title or date. While searching news paper kannadas online can be quicker than flipping through issues or scrolling through rings of microphone. We want to share some tips that can help your searches be more successful at key terms that describe what you’re looking for using the terminology from that time period. Some databases can find terms close to each other, but some will show words anywhere on the same page. For example, search for Secretary instead of administrative assistant housewife instead of homemaker. Search for different variations of names including initials. Many times, letters are transposed specially wobbles add and remove details to refine your results, use quotes to search only for specific phrases. If you are searching for a female try searching by a husband’s name, if known optical character recognition or OCR a process that converts scanned images to text is not always perfect so your search may not pick up what’s printed on a page, the scan material was in poor condition to begin with.

You may want to start browsing instead. If you are not getting the results you expected. For example, lowercase, I may look like the number one. Finally, don’t forget to take advantage of any videos or tutorials in the databases Help section. They will often have tips and tricks, specific to that database. If you are tackling a broad research topic and needed to know which news paper kannadas were operating in particular time and place, or wants to know more about a title, you’ll want to use a news paper kannada directory Chronicling America us news paper kannada directory can provide provide detailed information about news paper kannada titles. You can search by keyword news paper kannada location or dates title listings also include frequency, like daily, weekly news paper kannada coverage and library holdings, check with the library listed directly to confirm availability. Current news paper kannadas may have their own archives, or back issues available to view or purchase the Texas Press Association news paper kannadas web page lists contact information for News paper kannada Publishers in Texas, by city, title, and by county. In summary, we covered what is available in Historical News paper kannadas, remember to include local and ethnic news paper kannadas as part of your research strategy where you can find print microfilm and online news paper kannadas. Check with your local library museums or archives to see if they have news paper kannadas more relevant to that area, and how to look for tutorials and tips by clicking on the Help link for assistance. Inside the database our directory websites mentioned in this presentation are listed on the news paper kannada research section of our website. We hope our introduction to news paper kannada research has been helpful to you for help with your research, you can contact staff here at TSLAC, or the Sam Houston Center by mail phone or email.

For discovering and using Kannada newspapers for research, global research letters can be helpful. Searching for previously published academic papers or articles on the area of interest is one approach to use global research letters. References to Kannada newspapers that have covered the same subject or comparable concerns may frequently be found in these papers. Global research letters can also be utilised to help identify pertinent terms and phrases that are frequently used in Kannada publications, making it easier to find relevant articles or news stories.

Once pertinent Kannada newspaper articles have been located, scholars can use them to add practical examples and new perspectives to their work. News stories, for example, might offer first-person experiences of occurrences or viewpoints on topics that can aid to deepen comprehension of the subject being studied. Also, using Kannada newspapers can aid scholars in gaining a local viewpoint on problems that may be unique to the area and that may not have been reported by national or worldwide news sources. This can improve a research study’s overall quality and give important context and subtlety.

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