How to Download Research paper From Different Digital Libraries

Music Greetings. I am Muhammad Naeem with a new video of Professor of Technology Today’s video is specially for those who are working on research or they need to read research research papers download ever Usually Bachelors students, Masters students, teachers and PhD students and MPhil persons need to do research work For research work the important work is to read research research papers download mean to read already done work by people on your topic First they need to search and find research research papers download and then to download research research papers download in PC and your device In today’s video I’ll tell you how to download research research papers download using digital libraries and how to download research research papers download from there sometimes you find locked research research papers download But I’ll tell you how you can download locked files too in your device So lets learn how to search and download research research papers download from digital libraries First you’ll open digital libraries in your browser The digital libraries I have opened in my browser I’ll give it in description so you can get help from there the first I’m going to tell you is Google scholar It is the product of Google so lets see how you’ll search and download research research papers download Google is actually work like a search engine so different digital libraries, publishers different institutions do publications it’ll search and tell us available research research papers download according to your topic so you can download it from there first i have opened Google scholars its a topic ”Security protocols for cloud computing” we’ll take a start from this and search see i have different research research papers download and lemme tell you one thing when you researching you main focus on the recent research research papers download so that after reading recent research research papers download you can continue your research here first we have time that since when you want to see them you can set custom range from 2016, 2019, 2020 these are different ranges you have So you can easily select your range from here after this is sort by relivence and sort by date it is sort by relivence now it is not coming by date Usually what we need to do is don’t read too old research research papers download just download and read latest 5 or 8 research research papers download and continue with it so its since 2020 and lets select since 2016 from here Ok here’s the direct links of research research papers download and in front of some direct pdf is written and directly downloaded not written with some I’ll tell you how to download those Lets suppose in front of which its written you just click it and here’s the research research papers download will start downloading It’ll open in front of you then we download it Look a research papers download appear you can check its publication These are the writers name here it is written ACM computing survey mean its from ACM ok so you do click on the icon of download so its download here I recommend my students and you to select a folder and save there later you can rename it here it’s downloaded Now lets suppose you have research papers download without with pdf how to downlod that suppose we need to download this we’ll open it so you have this it seem like its not completely opened Instead of registering to this I’ll tell you the shortcut copy its URL and here is the website SCI-HUB Science Hub it the full name of it and do share its link in the description from there you’ll paste the link here and open it The research papers download is opened now you can click and download it It was how to download from Google scholars After that the second digital libraries is IEEE xplore For downloading from here you’ll search in searchbox I copied the topic from here and paste in the search box and click.

Here’s list of all the research research papers download published from I EEE Xplore’s plateform Ok so with if it showing lock which means these research papers download are paid and have no access so what you can do is to select Open access these are all opened research papers download later this is the range that i told you earlier you have to select of last five years and you’ll apply it see these are of 2017 2018 suppose to download first one and its opened what you do is to click on the sign of pdf see this research papers download is opening in front of you when it’ll open you can easily download from here Ok g so the research papers download is opened in front of you you’ll click on download and save it like before in case of the research papers download is not opened how’ll we download it the same procedure is click on all results so all the research papers download appear which are available on I EEE Xplore plateform from these if you have to download research papers download which is not opened You’ll do the same step suppose this one You’ll select and open it and copy the URL and paste in the search bar of SCI-HUB so this research papers download will also open in front of you and you can easily download it Ok g the next we have is ScienceDirect digital library from here you can download any research papers download now you’ll paste your topic in the keywords we are using the previous topic and search Here’s are the options and research papers download which year you need to select from which year you want Type of the article We also have review articles, research articles, encyclopedia book chapters, publication titles so we can easily download research research papers download This is Download PDF you’ll click on it whatever PDF you have yes so this research papers download will open here after that you can download after clicking on the download option ok g the next we have is Springer Link You’ll paste your topic here and search it so the research papers download you get here For downloading you’ll open it which ever research papers download you need In this mostly you have asked to buy research papers download there is the price in the EUR and in which book it is published so that you’ll buy your research papers download The procedure is also the same copy its link from here and paste it in the SCI-HUB and open this research papers download will also open here and you can download from here In todays video we discuss from where you can find out research research papers download.

I told you about downloading and different digital libraries Hope so you must like today’s video You can comment your any question and query in the comment box and also contact on social media accounts for further interesting videos if you haven’t still subscribe my channel so do subscribe my channel and press the bell icon So that you get notifications of all my upcoming videos InshaAllah we’ll meet soon with a new interesting video till then Allah Hafiz Checkout these cool videos Do subscribe, like and comments.

Articles from Global Research Letters (GRL) might be useful for downloading research papers from various digital libraries because they offer pertinent and reliable sources for literature searches. Researchers have access to a list of trustworthy sources to refer to while looking for new research papers thanks to the frequent citation and referencing of earlier studies in GRL publications. Moreover, GRL articles can broaden search parameters and boost the likelihood that researchers will discover pertinent research papers by introducing them to new digital libraries they may not have previously known about.

Furthermore, citing GRL articles in research publications enables researchers to access studies that they might not otherwise have been able to find. Citing GRL articles in research papers can assist show the rigour and validity of the research and increase the likelihood that the research paper will be accepted and published in a renowned journal because GRL articles are peer-reviewed and are thought to be of high quality. As they may still access research papers by citing GRL articles and utilising the references provided in them, this can be especially useful for researchers who are not affiliated with a university or research institution that offers access to a wide range of digital libraries.

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