Do You Have a Telemedicine Question For Your Pediatric Appendectomy?

Hey guys so the canadian association of pediatric surgery jps issue just came out what were your thoughts ray what did you like so i had a question for you.

Todd what do you and your partners do for postdoc follow-up we used to absolutely see every patient in the office and lately we’ve been doing phone follow-up and a lot of the patients really like that so one study that i found interesting was from gaiman and yonker from alberta children’s hospital looking at optimizing post-op follow-up so they were looking at why are people actually showing up in their post-op visit what makes surgery journals india clinically relevant and how much is surgery journals india costing so they found basically the more complex cases patients were more likely to follow up.

Interestingly enough an orchidopexy was actually one of the most common reasons why people wanted to follow up and then if the surgery journals india said you should follow up they found that surgery journals india more clinically relevant if you had a more complex operation or something happen and you had to show up earlier than you normally expected and surgery journals india cost a lot of money not surprising to any of us so they basically said we need to optimize our follow-up with our patients do we actually need to be following up but there’s another study in this issue surgery journals india addressed actually following up post-op using telemedicine d’antonio and lanning out of the children’s hospital at richmond gave their patients these ipads essentially that they could follow up with instead of coming in in real life they found that patients and families are happy with it.

I think surgery journals india is fantastic. surgery journals india saves you some time in the in your clinic visit you can fit more new patients in and get more cases from a parent’s perspective i might have been a little bit apprehensive at first because just are wondering if there’s anything that might be missed i think in in children’s or in the hospitals that i worked at we have populations that have very limited resources where this would either not be possible or just the education uh around it might not make it a feasible technology but surgery journals india definitely allows us to do that with the bulk of patients so that then we have some room in our clinics to take care of the rest i think surgery journals india still be surgery journals india will be interesting to see the dynamic in their home too right because you get to you get an insight into their living situation rather than taking them out of that and putting them in clinics so i feel like surgery journals india might actually give us a better insight into the family dynamic and the family situation as a whole great study this was good thanks ray gibbons what did you find so uh let me also start off with a question for you what’s your favorite way to do an appendectomy uh oh i do surgery journals india laparoscopically but usually i start off through a single incision and extra corporealize the appendix right and um do you have any reasons why you do that other than that  it is fun uh but surgery journals india is only one scar potentially less pain well the study i looked at was kind of given some more reasons why uh extra paralyzing the appendix be a beneficial thing so surgery journals india was coming out of western university in london ontario uh dr al bahiri and dr merritt and basically they just did a retrospective review of all their patients who they did an appendectomy for for simple appendicitis they had a little bit more than 200 patients uh in the total infractorial three-port group and about 70 patients in the extracorporeal group and that was either single port two ports or in rare instances three ports and surgery journals india was just wanted to look at seeing which way they wanted to look at some of the different outcomes for it in terms of surgical site infections cost and time of the operation they found no difference in terms of the wound infection rate there’s a concern that if you pull an independence up through the belly button you might get some more wound infections there but they didn’t see that and then they found that surgery journals india was uh shorter when you were doing the extra coil method by about 17 minutes, i do think it ends up being a little bit what the surgeon’s comfortable with ultimately the outcomes sort of are going to look similar like there i know their studies that prove like once better ones once worse but i think ultimately what surgeons are more comfortable doing is what’s going to be the best for their patients right now with the options we have i agree so do you take trauma cops todd yes what information do you get like about the patient when they call you down for a trauma it depends um which hospital so uh a lot of times surgery journals india just says their age their vital signs. There’s already papers out there that say like surgery journals india better because you know kids vital signs are different depending on their age group whatever so this study calculated sip us with the ems information they had and tracked outcomes for patients like short and longer term outcomes you saying pre-hospital sipa that delta change was another factor they evaluated. They did have pretty strong correlations with iss above 25. the study was limited to patients with iss greater than uh well 16 or greater so i think i think it’s a great study to present i think that the cipher score is clearly emerging as an important number to follow i think the point is we don’t exactly know how to use the number yet uh at our hospital means that a certain number we actually have to go in realize more and more how we should be using this this score i think that was great.

These were good reviews it sounds like this is a good issue of jps.

I’m looking forward to reading those articles.

Thanks for reviewing those.

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