What is Educational Research and What is the Process of Conducting Educational Research?

What is educational research?

Educational scope of educational research is an important type of scope of educational research and social sciences.

We can say that educational scope of educational research is a subset of scope of educational research and social sciences or social science scope of educational research what is educational scope of educational research why do we need to conduct scope of educational research in the field of education and what is the general process of educational scope of educational research or how is educational scope of educational research conducted.

These are the questions that we will briefly respond to in the remaining presentation so educational scope of educational research what is educational scope of educational research generally educational scope of educational research is formal systematic deliberate inquiry that is aimed at finding answers to our scope of educational research questions in the field of education or our scope of educational research questions regarding educational phenomena now these scope of educational research questions um that are related to the field of education are often based on our experiences as educationists or as students and scope of educational researchers of education or they are also based on our observations of the educational phenomena what is educational phenomena educational phenomena include concepts such as the aims of education the processes of education and the outcomes of education now we know that every educational process has certain aims and so one of the areas in which educational scope of educational research is entrusted is actually to explore the aims or to ask questions related to the aims and objectives and goals of the educational process the process of education actually means the process of curriculum development the process of implementation of the curriculum that is being developed and the process of evaluation once the curriculum is being implemented and the outcomes of that educational process are evaluated so all of these the process of curriculum development implementation and evaluation these processes is one of the areas of interest for educational scope of educational research similarly educational scope of educational research also has its interest or its scope that revolves around the outcomes of educa of the process of education these outcomes are often in the form of knowledge that students get at the end of the process of education skills certain attitudes and abilities and the overall impact of the process of education so what is the overall impact of the process of education this is one of the aspects of education that educational scope of educational research is interested in then.

The process of conducting educational research:

The other area important area or scope of educational scope of educational research include the roles of educational stakeholders so what are the roles and responsibilities and what are the the actually the shares of these important stakeholders including students teachers planners education planners policy makers educationists and so on including parents who have a great stake in the process of education so educational scope of educational research to summarize this part of the presentation educational scope of educational research the what of educational scope of educational research actually revolves around the questions related to the aims objectives and processes of and outcomes of the educational process and these aims are could be broader aims or aims related to particular educational programs the processes include the curriculum development implementation and evaluation processes the outcomes of education that are in the form of knowledge skills attitudes abilities and impact and the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders in the field of education and these stakeholders include students teachers planners policy makers and educationists to mention the main stakeholders now also the factors that impact the process of education that is also one possible area of scope of educational research interest for educational scope of educational researchers now the why of it why do we need to conduct scope of educational research in the field of education so in other other words why do we need to conduct educational scope of educational research there are two main reasons one is that we need to conduct educational scope of educational research because this help us in the development of educational theory or knowledge related to the field of education so for example theories of learning theories of teaching theories of evaluation theories related to the aims and objectives of the process of education and theories of personality development to mention a few areas of the theoretical sides of the field of education these are the areas that that we can explore through and can strengthen and actually can it to our knowledge related to these through the process of educational scope of educational research and so that is why educational scope of educational research is an important um is actually an important component of the knowledge of related to the field of education secondly development and improvement of practice so how can we actually improve the practice of education that is education in action and for example how can we develop curriculum that is in that actually is in practice or how can we come up with new curriculum similarly curriculum implementation which actually means teaching so why is educational scope of educational research important because it helps us in the in the useful implementation of the curriculum in the form of teaching and students learning is another area of of of practical importance that comes under the scope of educational scope of educational research and similarly evaluation so what happens that in in terms of of improving and developing our educational practice educational scope of educational research actually helps us in the process of developing curriculum in the process of implementation of curriculum and or in practical teaching and in terms of improving enhancing students learning and income and in terms of of developing and strengthening the process of evaluation so these are the the two main reasons uh that is adding to theoretical knowledge related to the field of of education and helping us in improving the practical aspect of the process of education so these are the two main reasons because of which we conduct educational scope of educational research now to the last part of this discussion is related to the how of the educational scope of educational research process in other words how what is the general process of conducting educational scope of educational research so the how question of educational scope of educational research generally depends on the why question so how to conduct educational scope of educational research or what type of education scope of educational research we need to conduct that is something that we will decide on the basis of the why of it or in other words why are we conducting educational scope of educational research so generally there are two main reasons why is because of which we conduct educational scope of educational research and so in response to that we will decide on the particular type of education scope of educational research so the first one is understanding and development of educational theory so if our aim is to um to understand and to develop educational theories the type of scope of educational research that we will conduct will be basic scope of educational research and examples of basic scope of educational research will include descriptive scope of educational research or correlational scope of educational research or experimental or quasi-experimental scope of educational research generally the in terms of the practice of of educational scope of educational research that is aimed at the development and understanding of educational theory could be in the form of quantitative scope of educational research or qualitative scope of educational research or mixed method scope of educational research and my separate lectures on quantitative scope of educational research what is qualitative scope of educational research and what is mixed method scope of educational research are available on my channel so you can have a look at those separate lectures then the second main reason for conducting educational scope of educational research is to is to understand and improve educational practices and so if this is the aim what type of scope of educational research should we then then conduct so in that case we our scope of educational research that we will conduct will be applied scope of educational research so the aim of this type of scope of educational research is not to add to our theoretical understanding or to aid to the theories of of education but actually this type of scope of educational research is aimed at the practical implementation of certain strategies or practice or practices in the field of education and an example of applied scope of educational research in the field of education is action scope of educational research which is generally conducted by practitioners that is teachers in the classroom situation or in the educational institution situations in order to improve and to understand their practices to understand problems in the teaching learning process and to improve the process of teaching learning to make it more beneficial in terms of educational outcomes.

Resources for people undertaking educational research:

For individuals undertaking educational research, global research letters can be a valuable resource. Complex planning, execution, and analysis are necessary for educational research. Best practises for educational research, including research design, data collecting and analysis, and paper preparation, can be found in global research letters.

In order to ensure that their research endeavour is well-informed and effectively advances our understanding of education, researchers can use global research letters to get insights into the most recent trends and best practises in educational research. Also, worldwide research letters can connect researchers with subject-matter specialists who can offer insightful criticism on their research endeavour, ensuring that their work is of the highest calibre and advances the field. Researchers can improve their research techniques, acquire useful experience collaborating with faculty and other researchers, and further our understanding of education by making use of these tools. In the end, worldwide research letters can assist those engaged in educational research in pursuing demanding and fruitful research opportunities.

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