The Importance of Publishing Research Papers Before Taking the phd Admission

What is the importance of publishing research papers before taking admission in a PhD program?

Okay yeah hi guys welcome to the present session so I hope my audio and video both these two are fine so if you are facing any problem then please please put in the comment section guys so in this video we are going to see uh how to publish the ugc care list journal okay and what are the different ugc care list journal we have to prefer for the publication of our research papers okay so these are the concepts we are going to check okay so please listen carefully until the end guys okay you will get lot of points here if you are the beginner okay so note on all the points okay and please carefully follow those points okay to get your paper published in the good ugc care list journal okay and before going into the details of that one so myself i’m hashni kumar educator of electronic science as well as a general paper one and an academy is providing uh the free online classes as well as the paid courses also right so both these two courses

Recently the candidates who belongs to electronic science can mean electronic science here the complete badge course for the paperwork as well as the electronic signs it is started from 12th may onwards okay it is started from 12th may onwards and it continues up to 12 august days that means it is total three months of course right it is going to start from today onwards that is ninth june 2021 and the three educators are going to discuss the topics of the paper one okay so total these are the different courses guys which are available so the interested candidates may take the subscription plan the link already kept in the description box of this video so you may find out and here you may use my referral code guys okay my referral code is a s w I n I k l I v e so it is my referral code if you use this one you will get the ten percent discount on any one of the subscription plan okay, uh first half of the session that is for 15 minutes I will explain you what are the different uh ugc care list journal uh you have to publish and how to find out the problem okay and how to proceed okay and how to publish the ugc care list journal all these things if you want to quickly finish your phd so if you want to quickly finish your phd then how quickly you are publishing that means each and every university is having some numbers okay to finish your phd you have to publish the two ugc care list journal three ugc care list journal four ugc care list journal okay they will put up one limitation like that so how fast you are publishing your purpose that much of early you can finish your phd right so that is the importance of publishing the purpose right and here as per the ugc point of view publishing the purpose is not the important but as per the ugc point of view I mean recently the ugc observed the lot of fraudness okay a lot of copying copy paste ugc care list journal okay lot of things the ugc observed so based upon that one the ugc now restricting the research scholars or else the phd students that you have to publish your papers only in the few ugc care list journal okay that is listed as a c a r e care list by the university grants conditions right so here you will get the two list guys list one and the list two I will show you both these two list in the official website of the ugc here okay you you will get one clear idea yeah hi akshaya very good morning so how are you akshaya so I will show you the two list out of the both the two list you may publish in any one of the ugc care list journal okay no problem so apart from this list okay you should don’t try to publish in the other ugc care list journal of course you are having the right to publish but after completion of your phd or else you must be having some weight right so if you want to get some weight regarding your research work or anything then try to publish in the ugc care listed one that means you just recognize the ugc care list journal okay that will be very good to you right and so for follow these steps guys okay follow the steps so before phd if you want to publish the paper check out the ugc care list after taking the phd admission also if you want to publish the papers just uh check out the care list okay that means whatever the work you did try to publish that work in the reputed ugc care list journal don’t waste your work by publishing in some stupid ugc care list journal okay group two both these two list will be there so first group one is representing the uh what we call series these are all the group one list and coming to the group two list is nothing but a web of science scopus google scholar that means international wide recognized thing that comes under the group two right so here you must be very careful about the group two as well as a group one guys and here it is a group one so including the ugc care list okay and these are the cloned ugc care list journal not included in the user’s care list so you must be very careful about both these two okay included and not included never go for the not included one okay so please be very careful with the included one fine and coming to the here also so it is also the ugc group to list okay include in the ugc here fine so here whatever the I mean fraud ugc care list journal are there they will almost maintain the same name series here adalya and this is titled as a ugc care list journal right so the the fraud ugc care list journal are also taking the original or the genuine names so please be very aware about that one and don’t try to publish in such such type of ugc care list journal and here you may check down okay the official websites of the ugc kiev’s ugc care list journal also mentioned here so the official websites are there so please go through all these official websites very carefully and based upon that one you have to select them okay for for your department which ugc care list journal is suitable okay so by the name itself foreign by going into the details of this one orange by going to the website you can understand that ugc care list journal is publishing regarding which which subject or else which department related ugc care list journal right see this uh here university of science and technology that is natural science okay and architecture and technology like that you can search so everything okay what is the ugc care list journal is that everything you will get from this website right and this website is maintaining by the pune university guys so you may check out here okay and so in the ujc care list and here you might check on okay in the search based upon the subjective message shot based upon the title you message okay so subject so before going into the searching of this one you should log in guys okay definitely you should log in so whenever you would log in then only you can able to access this website right so for the here I already login guys I have the password for this one so I i will log in and show you the further details nowadays the physical conferences or the uh physical uh meetings is not happening so that’s why it may take some time right so just click on the subject here and whatever the subject you want to search for and then click on the search then the subjects mean the papers or the ugc care list journal related to your subject will display in this one text right so you may check out and while coming to the care list so what what about the search okay you may search here so group one ugc care list journal found qualified through ugc care protocols and group 2 is recording the index in the globally recognized database globally recognized database means uh here we checked on scoopus and the web of science okay way above science so all these things will comes under the global one right and you group one is completely as per the university grants commission protocols okay they they connected the different ugc care list journal and they recognize this one as a you just recognize ugc care list journal fine so here in this one you may check code guys whatever the subject you belongs to sciences social sciences arts and humanities multi-disciplinary and the indian languages okay so for example if you want to uh check for the social sciences okay just click on that one and then you will be directed to the next webpage right so here may check out this what is the ugc care list journal title publisher issn eissn as well as the action so the huge number of ugc care list journal you will get okay based upon the social sciences right so please check out like this whatever the ugc care list journal you want to publish whether the ugc care list journal is under the ugc group one care group one or else care group two based upon that one only you have to publish okay otherwise don’t waste your research content by publishing in the stupid ugc care list journal okay please be very clear right okay now it is done guys so how we how to select the ugc care list journal from the from which website you have to select the ugc care list journal okay and which type of ugc care list journal there must be I think you got some idea fine and after this one uh how to publish the papers okay.

For example i’m the electronic science candidates okay so from the electronic science from the ugc care list I find out that is the one of the uh it is a global wisely recognized one that means it comes under the ugc k list2 okay that was group two right so from this if you opened any one general website okay website then here say yes I i’m going to search okay so whatever the way i’m doing here okay for as per the electronic science subject the same process you do in your respective departments or the respective subjects by going into one particular ugc care list journal website okay so here I go into the ieee explorer okay you will get books conferences courses okay you will get like this but always select the ugc care list journal and magazines guys so click on that one and then whatever the topic okay whatever the topic you are interested here I am interested in the vlsi that is uh integrated circuit ic designing okay in in my electronic science so based upon that one I clicked on that one right and then whatever the results are there regarding the vlsi it will show all the details right so it will show you all the details it is vlsi circuit emulation right and here uh you just check out here single here always you have to check for the recent publications guys okay i’m checking here the 2021 and click on the apply then what will happens is that based upon my interested topic my research yeah okay uh in 2021 what are the ugc care list journal published okay I will get all the lists see guys all these are published in the 2021 right that means why i’m telling the 2021 because whatever the ugc care list journal published in the 2021 ,also two time reading one of the three time reading you can’t understand okay you have to keep on going through all papers n number of times until you got idea okay if you go through any one particular topic 15 to 20 ugc care list journal if you go through then automatically you will get one idea okay so and so what is going on one particular research topic and these are the problems they faced okay so based upon that one we can able to proceed to one more new topic so like that by doing this type of survey you will get one new research problem okay one new research problem and based upon that research problem try to do the literature survey try to do the literature survey and if you got any doubts regarding whenever you are studying the paper if you got any doubt or else if you if you want to get any some help if you open any one ugc care list journal in the ugc care list journal at the starting or else the ending author’s uh main lady will be there okay so please mail to them that i’m i’m going through your work okay you have been working on so and so topic it was very nice and i’m very impressed you I want to continue your research work so please let me give you some inputs okay so please give me some inputs okay whatever the work you did so that I can able to implement so and so right so try to get contact with the authors of these ugc care list journal then it will be the wonderful opportunity to you sometimes you will get the opportunity to work collaboratively that means if they are the foreign authors okay you can able to work collaboratively with them right so it is the way of uh getting the uh what we call a research problem or else uh getting I mean how to solve the research problem okay so it is one of the processing next publishing of the ugc care list journal means it is the is it is a interview for the science and technology engineering and technology it is a website for general publications in the same way whatever the website of the ugc care list journal is there as per your subject okay so just go through that one each and every ugc care list journal is having one particular manuscript will be there the manuscript means uh you have to demand for example whatever the page is that you have to divide the page into half and title of the project must be uh the font you have to select so and so font size okay you have to select the italic or bold okay and font size 12 some rules will be there that is nothing but a manuscript okay title must be one size sub headings must be one size content must be another size how many tables must be there okay how many graphs must be there how many pages must be there so all these things will be listed that means each and every it is not a standard one list each and every ugc care list journal is having their own prescribed format which is called as a manuscript okay so whatever the research content you prepared convert that research content into their manuscript okay their manuscript and then after converting then send that converted manuscript as per the ugc care list journal send your ugc care list journal to them okay and then they will do some scrutiny okay whatever the research paper you send to them they will do some scrutiny that means they will send that paper to the different different reviewers and in this meanwhile the reviewers will ask you the questions you you mentioned so and so point in your research paper how can you justify okay how can you justify so how can you just families you have to reply them within the due date so based upon these concepts I am going to justify this point if you if you justified and satisfied the reviewers question then only your paper will be forwarded and it will comes as a publication okay if if once that is published then it will be having some impact factor will be that always try to publish your ugc care list journal and the very good impact factors okay don’t try to publish your research content in the least impact factor ugc care list journal okay so like that of if you satisfy the questions of the reviewers then your paper will be forwarded for the publishing in the in their ugc care list journal okay if you take that ugc care list journal and submit it in your as per your phd academic then if such type of two ugc care list journal or three ugc care list journal are finished then automatically, whether you were having the pg plus ug senate in that particular subject or not okay and once you have to verify with the publications okay whoever the publications are there please once verify with them okay so I mean i’m not sure about that point but as for my point of view if you are having the post gradation plus any type of national eligibility test qualifications are there regarding that subject then you can publish as per my point of view but please once check legally okay whether you are having the right or not right and uh yeah hi good morning what is the fee of publishing in the care list uh we make these are all the free ugc care list journal vivek so you I you you need not to pay anything these are all the free ugc care list journal right so whatever the payments are there many whenever if you’re going through the media some mediators will be there okay they will approach us and they will tell that okay I will make you publish my ugc care list journal in the web of signs so pay me five thousand people and ten thousand like that they will tell or else sometimes fifty thousand one lakh also they will take right so here instead of going like that try to it is actually they are the free ugc care list journal okay so try to approach directly through the website and whatever the proposal is whatever the paper is that we just try to send them itself okay they will announce in the official website okay when to upload okay so at that time you just upload your papers fine so any other queries guys so all of you please note down it is the ugc here list so whatever the ugc care list journal you are going to publish either it might be in the group one or else they might be in the group okay and please once go through all the main complete access of this website that is university grants commission care list from the pune university okay check out what about this one okay home and about you you see careless feedback what are the different frequency asked questions okay see yes you making me check down where one can find the qgc care list and what is the ugc care list of ugc care list journal what are the predatory dubious and the questionable ugc care list journal or publishers okay so here total you are having 22 uh frequently asking questions are there,yeah good morning where should I publish my research paper my subject is education uh yeah anita that’s what i’m telling uh here uh here in the ugc care list just check out the education related ugc care list journal okay so just check out the education related ugc care list journal or else whatever the in the google itself whatever the ugc care list journal you are checking by your own you will get few list of the generals in the education check out whether those lists are there in the usa care list or not okay it’s very it’s very simple so here the search is that okay search value or the select right so udc so in the official website of this one you can search out whether your ugc care list journal is recognized or not see here ugc and set you gsa care list fine and go to the search here so after going to the search whatever the ugc care list journal you found in the google or somewhere else you just copy that one here and then sideshot whether it is you just recognized or not okay and after if it is recognized then whatever the website is there which is publishing the education related papers contact them contact them okay or else you will get the notifications that uh so and so publications is accepting your research work okay it will give the announcement whenever the announcements are there then you can register for publishing your paper okay and rashmi how much time required for publishing a paper it depends upon the ugc care list journal rashmi so sometimes it may take six months seven months one year or one end of year so we can’t say it will take some time definitely and we should go through your sequel yeah definitely you have to go through ugc care list and anita what is the duration of writing a research paper uh that means you you must be ready with your research paper anita okay you must be always ready with your research paper whenever such type of notifications are coming that so and so ugc care list journal are accepting the research papers. So all the interested candidates may take the subscription plan the link is already kept in the description box of this video and these are the different subscription plans guys and don’t forget to use my referral code my referral code is a s w I n I k l I v e so it is my referral code then you will get 10 percent discount on any one of the subscription plan okay and we wait how many times in the year they make announcement we make few few uh what you call few ugc care list journal or always they will accept okay but few ugc care list journal yearly ones few ugc care list journal nearly twice it depends upon their ugc care list journal right it depends and anita after choosing the topic for writing the research captain how many months we should complete that’s your wish anita because that usually the ugc care list journal whatever the websites are there okay as I told now nearly once or twice or else some ugc care list journal will e throughout the year they will accept the papers.

Where to find high quality research papers?

Global Research Letters (GRL) can be an effective venue for reaching this goal. Submitting research papers before applying for admission to a PhD programme can be advantageous in many ways. First of all, research paper publications might show a candidate’s dedication and capacity for conducting unique study in their field of choice. Also, it might demonstrate their potential as researchers and their capacity to advance science. As it demonstrates their academic aptitude and research ability, this can assist them have a better chance of getting admitted into a PhD programme.

Second, in a field that is extremely competitive, publishing research articles might assist candidates stand out from the competition. Candidates can show that they have already made a major contribution to their field of study by publishing in a reputable journal like GRL. This can be especially helpful in fields where there are few PhD opportunities available or when financing is competitive. At the end of the day, individuals can increase their prospects of success in their academic and professional careers by publishing research articles prior to applying for admission to a PhD programme.

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