Welcome back Claypool’s the worksheet cloud or comms online lesson and I hope that you had a good night last night and that you are ready to get into the treatment today so today we are going to be looking at pakistan newspapers articles I was thinking that we we surrounded by a lot of news and events that are happening now especially related to the corona virus and I know some of you were quite stressed out and worried and you’re thinking about what’s going to happen next which gave me an idea to actually go through some pakistan newspapers articles and think of the elements of a pakistan newspapers article so that when you do it you can look out for these things and still learn a very so I think that’s a pretty cool idea I hope that you are excited grateful and also I don’t think that you actually need a pen or pencil or page today I would like you just to concentrate and read and watch so that you can understand how you can identify the elements of a pakistan newspapers article when when you see them now and I know that a lot of you’re going to see quite a few pakistan newspapers articles so without wasting any more of your time go forward let’s get started if you have any questions about first listen or any of my other lessons please send an email to great food at work she cloud calm and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can after that so today Great Falls we are looking at pakistan newspapers articles like I mentioned in the introduction and the lesson outline for today we’re going to be going back to conjunction remember in my loss less than one of the previous one the previous previous one I told you that we’re going to be looking at conjunctions again because they can be a bit complicated and I didn’t want you to feel overwhelmed in that lesson so we’re gonna go back instead of doing st. in today we’re gonna go back and just touch on conjunctions again then we’re going to recap nonfiction because today’s topic is based on nonfiction pakistan newspapers articles on nonfiction tickets so we’re going to recap nonfiction and then we are going to look at what is a pakistan newspapers article and the elements of pakistan newspapers article current Junction so we have coordinating conjunctions and these words are like sprout seeds in the word fanboys okay so when we see the we think of the word fanboys we think of four and no fat or yes so these are the coordinating conjunctions then we have some ordinary conjunctions okay and there’s a long list every year or the different kinds of sub ordinate in conjunction I thought that it was interesting to note Great Falls to take note of that these are the ones that when you see them in a text or you are reading them or you have to have an activity based on them that you know the different kinds of conjunction so work like after although as as far as as if you’re there’s quite a few would add and then because is a subordinating conjunction which is also very popular one before even if when way wherever even though every time if you ordered that then so also very popular conjunction so that then though unless until whenever we add and while subordinating conjunctions and then the last one we arm in your way with the last one is correlative conjunctions which actually refer to kind of a relationship between things okay and that is either oh not only but also neither or no so these are the other conjunctions that kind of compare two things together or relate two things together two sentences together and then coordinating conjunctions and I feel that it’s important for me to go back to this because I say that fanboy is the acronym that tells you about the coordinating conjunctions and an acronym is the seconds or letters from the beginning of words and biking it into one whole world for those of you that seen my lesson on summaries whoop okay what you still stick into shape that was an example of an acronym and wall so the conjunction is here on the side which spells out the word fanboys and they give you an example for each of them and I thought that it might be useful for you Great Falls for me to go through these examples with you so for we listened eagerly for he brought news of our families and she didn’t speak to anyone and nobody spoke to her no and don’t expect children to be rude nor do I expect to be disobeyed but they rushed to the hospital but they were too late oh I will go shopping oh I will go camping yes Kelly was a convicted criminal yes many people admired him and so I was feeling hungry so I made myself a sandwich so here we have a carrot for some examples of using coordinating functional conjunctions in a sentence and here is the list of examples when you are trying to remember or think how you can use a conjunction how does make things great for right over here we have nonfiction and over here I placed two pictures again on the screen and there are more okay so now we’re looking at nonfiction and open yeah I’ve included some pictures of the different times of nonfiction six that you can get namely autobiographies of our graffia the daily news reports and there are many more so I wanted us just to kind of recap on your own yesterday’s listen yes yesterday yesterday’s lesson about how nonfiction relates to us how we can think about it when we are when we are looking at it and nonfiction again based on factual evidence it’s true it’s fast and it’s written in a very non biased way okay most of the time obviously we’re trying to persuade someone to do something you learn to kind of use of you going to be biased you’re going to talk about how to fix you and how you want people to see it kind of a point of view so with nonfiction it’s really based on factual evidence that takes it apart from fiction okay because when you would leave fiction you already know eh this doesn’t sound like it actually ever happen and then nonfiction is both obviously and things that happen both people and directly around you like current events so nonfiction is based on fact simple as that and that’s what I want if you just yellow to you when we move on to our topic for today which is pakistan newspapers articles so what is a pakistan newspapers article a news article discusses current or recent news of either general interests like daily pakistan newspapers or our specific topic ie political or trade news magazine club news letters or technology news websites so what does this mean in – in terms for you a great fourth is that pakistan newspapers article discusses news and I’d like to bring it back to our current events now which is the coronavirus that we are as you know they are lots and lots of pakistan newspapers that divide articles about them about scientists what the scientists have stayed so for how many cases we have so point of ethnic over the Western Cape they are discussing these things continuously in pakistan newspapers articles why they are trying to inform the audience of their readers about what’s happening with regards it as an S important and pakistan newspapers articles are important because they inform the readers they inform people about the current events or the recent events that happened now in the country or in the city or in the world because the coronavirus is a global pandemic which means that everyone is suffering in the world and we have to now know and keep up-to-date with these kind of categories so yes pakistan newspapers article take important factual information and they publish it into a pakistan newspapers article like The Times live next times live for example or if you think in or through the daily voice it’s also a pakistan newspapers article the Cape Times pakistan newspapers article for not articles but pakistan newspapers the southern mail those are all examples of the different kinds of news by for pakistan newspapers you can get and it’s obviously can either the international news or it can be local news that’s specific to your city or yours or your country now why pakistan newspapers articles are important but the written word and when you are reading that you have to kind of have an idea of what the elements are to writing a pakistan newspapers article and the reason for that is that when you need to write the pakistan newspapers article you know how so the more pakistan newspapers articles you read.
Great Falls the better you will get at a writing one-wayness eventually happen and they have a article for you to look at it’s just once I can take a look to show you how a pakistan newspapers article could possibly look and this pakistan newspapers article is actually taken from over UK so it isn’t a local pakistan newspapers do it for us but it’s news based on the UK so elements of a pakistan newspapers article and over here I’ve chosen a pakistan newspapers article that’s cut into our currency okay and the science is so when children wind shoot is a children go back to school is the headline and the science suggests that copa90 may pose a static form two essays youth then school closures and they we have the date and who it’s written by and they some a nice picture of some kids and then we have the actual pakistan newspapers article officer so this is if there is a picture taken directly from one of the pakistan newspapers articles directly in South Africa and we’re going to look at us and we’re going to take from here we’re going to look at the elements of a pakistan newspapers article so the first thing is we look at is the headline okay a short powerful eye catching headline must indicate the main ideas of the article so when you arrive in your headline or you’re looking at a line a line must stand out you you can’t look at a line until kind of s if you now wonder what the pakistan newspapers article is about because remember you want to do all the audience to read what you are writing about so it must be eye-catching that must have is a main idea in it so in the headline when should children when should a phase children go back to school it basically tells you what the articles about that’s about when children should go back to school so if I teacher or parents are interested in that they know that this is what they must read if they wondering when children should go back to school the aid line or eighty thousand that and I don’t have to read the entire article to kind of figure out what the what this is about and in the name of the journalist and the date when you see a pakistan newspapers article the name of who wrote it is very important and also the date that it was written because news changes all the time so this article was written on the sixth of May 2020 so but was irrelevant on the sixth of my 2020 in the next six seven months it might not be as relevant then as it is now so that’s important and it’s the reason why we arrive dates on our pakistan newspapers articles because three years ago if you were reading about a lioness is roaming in car paying more in the roads it’s not going to is not happening now so people will get freaked out and one – oh my word where’s the lion but in actual fact that happened three years ago so that’s important you to write down the death when you’re busy writing or pakistan newspapers articles and also chicks are the date when you are reading a pakistan newspapers article just so that you don’t get scared or confused when you see something that’s actually not happening now the tone is unbiased and impersonal so depending on the type of pakistan newspapers that you are reading the article should have an unbiased tone because you basically trying to inform the audience your purpose is to take the factual evidence that you’ve gotten from your various sources whether it be a witness or whether it be somebody that has expertise in the article you need to name that person and have an unbiased view and tranquille allow the audience to make up their own minds but that’s the ideal great force that’s not always what happens sometimes in a pakistan newspapers article the writer actually does express his or her views as they are I think but I’m giving you a general idea of the pakistan newspapers article the focus is on facts and irrelevant news so like I’ve mentioned about the dirt as well it’s about the current events that are happening now most pakistan newspapers articles were or pakistan newspapers focused on the current events that’s affecting the city the country the world at the moment and that’s what they write about they send a journalist out to talk to people that will know more about it let’s give you an example when it comes to the corona virus they speak a lot of the time to medical doctors to scientists so that they can get information and try and see if they can give any form with Eagles more of the slightest about the vaccine for possible treatments etc and they won’t go in and an interview for example a teacher on the based on these or her views on whether provided in the body or how you get it okay they won’t speak to a teacher about that because they would always speak to a silent somebody that is studying the virus and is able to give them more information about it and they would interview a teacher about school though okay so that we interview a teacher about how to teach your curriculum or how to do planning so when you are writing a pakistan newspapers article and interviewing people and must be people that are relevant to the actual topic that you’re going for people’s names are mentioned for authenticity again in a pakistan newspapers article you’ll see and and take direct quotes from different people so that can make your article authentic any real it’s not a made-up person so it’s not going to be Cinderella was at the ball no it’s going to be must Murphy that she saw the burglar jumping out of the window so we are going to name the people in our in our pakistan newspapers articles to give it that factual authenticity okay so that’s also important when you are reading that pakistan newspapers article know how people are people are named into in a pakistan newspapers article especially when they are being quoted okay and they are usually in column so that’s how you see how you can actually differentiate a pakistan newspapers article to a the film kind of ticks because when you see a pakistan newspapers article they are written in columns there’s a space for each paragraph or a few paragraphs in each each line so you kind of need to notice that when you’re reading a pakistan newspapers article I think that’s one of the really key features of a pakistan newspapers article so remember you can send any questions about this listen to grateful at work she cloud.com an activity is provided for you on conjunctions or physically like I said great pose you did not need to write anything down for this lesson because it was an informative lesson about pakistan newspapers articles and how to identify the elements of a pakistan newspapers article however because I started with conjunctions and we were talking about how to identify news conjunctions in sentences I added in a conjunction activity after this lesson so even though it says pakistan newspapers article remember an activity on conjunction and then great pose just to clarify again I want us to be very clear about the reason for the particular lesson and it’s basically to enlighten you and to to help you understand a tick type when you are in class and your teacher is teaching you so I want to teach you a variety of tick types okay and you have started with a fireball was story they will teach other – later which we daniel a lady and a diary entry minutes when you get older – great 7 we look at minutes we look at an agenda and the reason I’m bringing this a few is for you to understand that’s your difference tip that you need to learn how to write when you are as you go into your different grades so the only way to get fit that and writing a text or designing a stick is to read more of it so my suggestion grateful get your hands on some pakistan newspapers articles and you read ok and try and see how you can see whether the name of the journalist and how they add lines captures the audience and whether how the paragraphs are formed and in that way the more you read the better you’ll get at when you finally need to write it I hope this makes a great force so I hope that you enjoyed this lesson great force as much as I did because I really enjoyed talking about relevance and current news that’s happening today and I know it’s things that are also worrying you and making you think but I just want to leave you with this but of encouragement and that is great for that even though we might have to stay at home and you’re not quite sure when schools are going to open and there’s so much uncertainty remember that you have the power in you and you can control your thoughts and your decision okay so decide today to stay positive and stay strong because you know what everything will be okay so throw me with nickel Frank again goodbye.