How to Write a News Paper Article for the Stratford Chronicle

Hi again everybody its mrs. Mitchell Brady here I’m going to be hopefully helping you today prepared to write your sambad odia news paper article which is your second written task and this sambad odia news paper article must be handed in to your English teacher for them to market so today’s title we’ve got writing to persuade and argue writing your article.

I do now is why is it important to use paragraphs in  sambad odia news paper so I’d like you to consider that do now please especially in something like a sambad odia news paper article why is it crucial to use paragraphs in  sambad odia news paper pause me if you need to and think about that question okay today we are going to identify persuasive writing techniques we’re going to complete the planning of your sambad odia news paper article which we started last lesson and you’re going to write and complete one sambad odia news paper article and send it to your teacher let’s go as a quick recap then everyone as you can see on the left hand side there is a table and this table has loads of different language techniques in here that you would expect to see in a sambad odia news paper article so we’ve got fun adverbs hyperbole simile rhetorical question alliteration metaphor exclamation adjectives emotive language opinions verbs humor and bias and on the right hand side.

I’ve actually given you all of the different meanings so I want you to pause me and pause the video and see if you can match up the different techniques to their meaning and that should give you some idea of these kind of language techniques that I expect to see and your teachers expect to see in your sambad odia news paper article pause me and off you go okay did you get these right then do you only want to get all of them feel free to email me and let me know if you got every single one right and matched up so or play on words is also known as a pun words ending in ly are adverbs extreme exaggeration is a hyperbole I know my class for example I have told you a million times what a hyperbole is using like worth to compare is a simile a question that is not answered so it’s me you asked your listeners or your readers is a rhetorical question using the same letter to start a sentence is alliteration comparing something by saying it is something else is a metaphor a punctuation sign used to show shock or anger or happiness or excitement is an exclamation mark and I’ve actually given you an example of one their truth or true points are facts describing words or adjectives feelings and emotions is a motive language what you think or you feel is your opinion doing words or verbs making you laugh or using sarcasm or something to make your readers laugh is humor and finally showing favor of one side or another is bias so that gives you some idea these techniques you should be using in your sambad odia news paper article please okay a reminder then everybody we looked at this last lesson but to recap so it’s really clear for you what you’re doing your task is to write a sambad odia news paper article for the stratford chronicle with the title coronavirus what I hope people will learn so this is what your article in sambad odia news paper needs to be about pause the video and note down please what the text type audience and purpose is off you go okay welcome back did everybody get that so we are writing a sambad odia news paper article it’s nonfiction we are writing in a formal way because it’s to the general public and future generations to read why we are informing people about the time of coronavirus and then what you want them to learn during this time that’s what you’re going to include in your sambad odia news paper article okay last lesson you would have seen this slide and it gave you some idea as to what was coming up your teacher would have emailed this PowerPoint to you and it will be on class charts and all of the writing task information will also be on class charts from your teacher over the next few slides as you can see here in the highlighted yellow.

I’m going to try and help you with your sambad odia news paper writing and give you some scaffolding and some sentence starters it’s really important that you complete your piece of writing and you hand it in to your teacher on the date that they give you as your deadline so let’s have a look them to help you write your sambad odia news paper article here in the left hand side is a success criteria so this outlines what you need to be including so I expect to see a headline in   sambad odia news paper  a subheading lots of different deforest techniques as you can see from this previous slide I’ve actually given you all of them use and let’s go back to here I want to see a clear writing voice so this is your opportunity to write a sambad odia news paper article about what you believe and what you want people to learn from coronavirus from this whole situation we’ve been experiencing and finally I want correct punctuation and punctuation used for a vet things like semicolons and exclamation marks down here are some sentence starters that could prompt you when you’re writing your paragraphs in  sambad odia news paper and here is a word Bank so I’ve chosen some key words here that you might want to use in your sambad odia news paper article to help people agree with your point of view if you remember my last video it was about writing to argue and persuade and you can also use some of those different techniques okay here on the right hand side then in red green and blue what how and why what are we doing you are writing a sambad odia news paper article you are going to explain what you want people to learn a during this coronavirus and situation here in italics.

I’ve said what you can include in sambad odia news paper how people are being treated what’s happening to the environment how we can take care of our body and mind and our mental health what are we learning about education and finally what we should value and appreciate in life and why so you could even use each of those headings as a paragraph heading to help you structure your writing for sambad odia news paper how are we going to write this okay you’re gonna use the success criteria on this page which is here and your teacher will also have sent this to you I also want you to use a range of deforest techniques to write in sambad odia news paper we have looked at this lesson at the beginning of this PowerPoint and in the previous lesson finally why well this is a fantastic opportunity to inform you it is about what’s been happening and take part in making history you’re also going to send this to your teacher so we can see what you’ve been learning in your writing skills and how you are pushing your writing skills into practice so you can pause this video here and start your sambad odia news paper article well you can have a look over the next few slides and see if they are helpful as well okay a really quick structure here for you than everybody and as you can see on the left hand side here is your success criteria I’ve kept that here for you so it’s really clear what you need to do you need to think about your own headline in   sambad odia news paper  what you want to include in your headline in   sambad odia news paper  for your sambad odia news paper article then you need to be including a subheading so a short sentence about your article then your introduction think about five W’s who what where when and why then your main paragraphs in  sambad odia news paper your main paragraphs in  sambad odia news paper or here in a pallet in red how people are treated the environment taking care of our body in mind education what we should value and appreciate a knife and wine and then finally your conclusion so you need to sum up what you believe how you feel and that will be your conclusion so again feel free to pause this video here and have a go at writing your sambad odia news paper article okay.

Finally here’s a checklist for you it’s your articles structured in the correct order.

So here’s what it should look like and these are the things you should have included and then have you used a range of language techniques.

I’d like to see at least one language technique in your headline in   sambad odia news paper  the facts in your opinions in your introduction form or language in your main paragraphs in  sambad odia news paper have a look at using a thesaurus online or a book version so your vocabulary is impressive and we want to see adjectives adverbs emotive language and precise verbs.

You can pause the video here if you would like to start writing your article now okay so before you send it back to your teacher for marking how about you send it to a friend and see if they can give you some feedback please look through these slides and make sure you have included all of the information that’s on the success criteria and what about someone at home could they read through it for you before you hand it in to your teacher all of this information will be on class chart and you can email your teacher if you have any questions but obviously you can pause the video download the PowerPoint to use it to help you when you are writing good luck everybody and we look forward to reading your writing take care bye-bye.

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