Global Research Letters

Using Mobile Surveys for Market Research: Opportunities and Challenges

Market research is essential for businesses looking to grow and expand. It helps companies understand their target audience and identify new opportunities in the market. Surveys are one of the most popular methods of market research, as they provide a convenient and cost-effective way to gather data from a large number of people. However, like any research method, there are opportunities and challenges that come with using surveys for market research.


Cost-effective: Surveys are one of the most cost-effective methods of market research. They can be conducted online, via email, or over the phone, which eliminates the need for expensive focus groups or in-person interviews.

Convenient: Surveys can be conducted at any time, making it easy to gather data from a large number of people in a short period. Additionally, online surveys can be completed by participants at their own convenience.

Targeted: Surveys can be targeted to specific demographics, such as age, gender, location, or income level. This allows for more accurate and relevant data to be collected.

Easy to analyze: Surveys typically provide numerical data, which is easy to analyze and interpret. This makes it easy to identify patterns and trends in the data, and make informed decisions based on the results.


Response bias: Surveys can be affected by response bias, which occurs when participants provide answers that they believe are expected or socially acceptable, rather than their true opinions.

Limited scope: Surveys can only collect data on a limited number of topics, and may not provide a complete picture of the market or target audience.

Low response rate: Surveys may not receive a high response rate, which can skew the results and make it difficult to make accurate conclusions.

Limited feedback: Surveys typically provide numerical data, which can be limited in terms of providing feedback or understanding the underlying reasons behind participants’ opinions or behaviours. helps businesses overcome these challenges by providing an easy-to-use survey platform with built-in tools for analyzing data. Our platform allows businesses to create targeted surveys and reach a large number of participants in a short period. Additionally, our platform includes features such as skip logic, data validation, and question routing, which helps to reduce response bias and improve the accuracy of the data.

In conclusion, surveys are a valuable tool for market research, but it is important to be aware of the opportunities and challenges that come with using them. provides businesses with an easy-to-use survey platform that helps to overcome these challenges and provides valuable insights into the market and target audience.

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