Paper Publish in 2 Months in UGC Approved Journals | A Detailed Exploration

Hello friends welcomes you all so and this is the very special video to all of you. Because in this video we will discuss about the ugc approved journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022for the all disciplines so this is a very very special video and in this video we will also describe a deep detail about how to publish paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 and what are the structure of the paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 in the ugc approved. General and one more important thing i want to share with you. Thank you all for your love and motivation and on the behalf of our viewers request so i have migrated my channel and i have also created a new channel especially for the researchers where you will get all the research videos and all the notification and information about the research like the conference video publication is copper synthetic journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022essay indigenous journals. So many things you will get so first of all i would like to show my new channel. This is for your love so this is my new channel research so is research at the channel name and you will find all the things that you required related to the especially for your research manuscript publications everything you will get here within a quick response or everything you will get in the deep details especially dedicated to all foreign for upcoming videos. New videos daily 8. A.m morning for the research especially for the research you will get here only that especially for the research channel so now we will come move to the point so this is the first generally ugc approved journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022for the computer science and also the engineering student and this is the very quick publication and fast publication journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022so in this video you will find out the kind of ugc published paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022s and journals and how we will publish our research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 in very quickly manner. So first category is the international journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022of computer theory and engineering and this is the ugc approved journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and first of all most important thing about this journal. You should know about it the publication time because the type publication time is very very important to publish your research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022.

So this is the bi-monthly timing so your research. Paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 will get published in this journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and this is also the ugc approved journal. You can also search out at the google platform so uh about this particular journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and also you can search it on the ugc care journals so this is the ugc care journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and published by monthly so within two months. Can there be a research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 published. I got this so i found this general very quickly publication in this particular manner so this is also very good journals and also the fast publication channel and also the these are the other indexing so you can explore at your level as well. Now come to the most important thing about the journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022description and introduction so this is also which is gains and foothold in the singaporean. Open the world so this is also the very good shenanigans so i suggest to all of you explore this journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022because this is the ugc clear listed journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022so this is a very very important thing to all of you now so each and everything is given here. This is the indexing part and now we will go ahead go to the deep dive about this channel that is also the very good important or very golden opportunity to all of you can also explore all the paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022s free of cost. You can download all the paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022s free of course so. There is no charges to download so jesse menus sorry archives archives nothing but that is a kind of published paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 database so this is the yearly published paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 in 2020 so this is the publication month publish april month june month and august month and it will be coming also the next month 2019. So this is the edge we have already described. This is the y monthly so in each year six issue will be published. So you can see here this. In 2019 one two three and four five six results. Six issues are published in this particular channel. So you can explore uh each and every journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022so suppose. We want to explore the journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022of the august month so we can just click on the agast month issue so here you will get the published research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 in this ugc approved journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022so in this you will find only four paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022s or researched.

Paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 are published in this particular issue. So you can download or you can see so for example say i will click here in the visual analysis of special metadata so we want to explore this research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 so this is about the icsn number dui number and also the paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 title and this is the author’s published author’s name that which you published their research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 in this journals and now we want if we want to download this research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022. Just click on the pdf version so it will redirect it to the pdf version of this particular research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 so you can see here. This is the structure of for kind of format of the research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 that publish or we can prepare our research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022. Accordingly this format so this is the two column in format so in ieee format you can follow this format so here is the general research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 title or manuscript title this these are the authors name first second third how many uh authors are there. You can mention here and this is the abstract portion so this is the abstract section and now also the this is the keyword so you can see here this is the ketum or we call it. The index term so this is the key terminology of keywords and after that next section is the introductory introduction part. This is the first introduction part and after that you can see here so i will zoom out. So this is the introduction part and first one was the abstract part and in the keyword part now we will explore more detail about this particular so you can see here. This is the all the things are given here when it was published after all the things are given here. This is the author mail id and everything is given here about the author details manuscript submission manuscript publication. All the things are given here as uh we see in the scopus and elsewhere journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022now next section is that this is the section of the introduction part now section next section is the metadata analysis and this is the methods covered by the authors.

Now in the next section we will see here. This is the next section and finally result and discussion result portion also given above and this is the part of the discussion. So what are the things we will cover in the discussion section so read out it carefully. This is the discussion part and next section is the conclusion of this research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022. So you can derive so you can take the hell from this research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022. What are the sections. We should make in our research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 or manuscript and conflict of interest. All the things are given here so as per so please uh follow this particular structure to publish the research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 in the ugc approved. General in this journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022so you can publish your research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 very easily and this is also the quick publication journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022now after that this is the reference section so you can manage the references in this particular research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 and after that you have to mention your detail about your detail so you can also paste your research after your pics and everything is given so that is how we can see the detail of any published paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 and we can also download all the things now author guidelines all. The things are given here. So this is the submission page. So whenever we click on the submission page so it will be redirected to the submission page now amend scope just click on the aim and scope. What types of the paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022s con concept is that is also the very important thing so we can see here that titles and topics so you can see here. They say open access journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022which focus on publishing research. Peer reviewed research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 all aspects of the computer theory and engineering algorithm artificial intelligence automated software. Engine bioinformatics biomedical compilers interpreter. Computer animation vlsi so this is also a related to the computer science.

Id researcher and also the electrical electronics researchers and different different types of the field also mentioned here. Data communication data mining and also the e-commerce e-governance expert system. And so these type of the research people are acceptable in this particular journal. So if you belong if your research area belongs to particular this particular titles and topics then you need to submit your research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 in this fast. Publication ugc care approved journals 2020. So this is also a very good thing reviewers guideline all. The things are given editorial board. Now we will click on the submission and how we will submit our research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 to publish so everything is given here so submission guideline also given here. So you can see the submission guideline so here. The very important thing or the editor editorial board members gmail id is given here so you can just prepare your manuscript so you can find out the details and template and format of this research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 so this is the template and format is also given here and you can directly mail a research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 to the editorial board member so and also the copyright and all the things are given here so just you need to read out it carefully and publish your research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 and also one more important thing about the publication charges so all the things are given here so if you are interested to publish your research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 in the ugc approved journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and fast. Publication ugc approved journal. You can select this journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and after satisfaction at your level. Also you can publish your research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022. So this is the first journal. Now the second journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022is the indus science journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022this is also the ugc approved journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022in the field of the accounting and auditing and finance so the publication time of the three months so you can publish your research before this is also the rapid publication journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and this is the introduction and description of the journals now these type of the topics covered by this journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022so current issue definition role book keeping all the things are given here so if your research area comes under these type of the topics and titles so you can prepare your manuscript according to the guideline and one more important thing there is no publication charges.

You can prepare so this is also the very good channel and also one more important thing this is also the sci index journal. So this is the very very good thing or good news to all of you. So you can explore this journal. If your research area comes under this category and in the red in the right hand side you can see all so many guidelines are available here view sample articles and guidelines so before publication. You have to follow each and every guideline to publish your research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 next one. Is the river publishers. This is also the ugc approved journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and this is also the very good channel and ugcc approved journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and you can see here. This is the publication frequency. So you whenever you have published you have to submit your research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 definitely. You will get the notification within few days so this is that is a kind of commitment from the editorial board member side so explore this journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022also this is also a very good journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and quick publication journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and iss number also given so once you have satisfied with this general and if your research area comes under this particular titles and aim all the things you can you have to exploit your label also and one more important thing about this journal. You can also read out about the published article so download the files read article online so everything is given here so you can also explore and you can also download the research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 published research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 for your research area phases of diver. There are so many things covered by this journal. So if your research area comes under this category then you need to explore and accordingly you have to create your research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 for the publication ugcc approved so definitely we have to record the ugc approved journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022and we have to publish our research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 in the ugc care listed journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022so these are the three types of the journals you can explore at your level also and after satisfaction you have to submit your research paper journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022 for the publication and a one more suggestion from my side you have to explore ea each and every corner of the journals listed in scopus, ugc care list of journals 2022like the publication time publication fees and what type of the format it have to be followed.

What types of the topics and so please like the channel and also like the video and subscribe the hit on the subscribe button. Subscribe the channel and also subscribe the new channel that on the behalf of your request. I have created your research especially dedicated to the researcher. So here you will get the research related journals that is research related information like ugc net. Grf conference everything you will get here on the daily basis at morning atm so also hit on the subscribe button on this channel researchers under so this is also your channel so hope you will get all the things here also so friends. Thank you for watching this video.

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