Global Research Letters

Why Do We Do Research?

This article is going to explain some concepts regarding a very important topic called research. This article deals with what research definition is, steps to write an effective research and how to add results of research.

What is research definition?

What is research definition? Research is a scientific and a systematic search for relevant information on a specific topic. For example, you have a question that needs to be answered and you do not know what the answer is. Then if you follow some scientific procedures

 to search for answers for such questions that you have in your mind. Then we say you are doing what is research definition. It’s not that you have a question then you go to a library and you do a kind of reading and you come up and say you have done what is research definition. The process of finding answers should be systematic. That means there are some important steps that you should follow and those steps are scientific in nature. So you follow those steps to reach the point where you get your answers. You have to go through some systematic and scientific research to find answers for that. So for example one researched the process of steps used to collect and analyze data to increase understanding of a topic or an issue. So you can have a question that you look for answers again but sometimes you need to increase your understanding of a certain topic. So you do a kind of search systematically or scientifically what is research definition. So that you can get more knowledge regarding certain topics. So in general we can say what is research definition is in a kind of three steps:

  1. you have a question or you pose a question.
  2. Then you go and look for that as the rates for data that will help you to answer that question.
  3. After you have gathered the data then you present your answer to that question.

So it’s kind of like these three important steps. So research should first be scientifically and systematically so you cannot just go and search for information and bring or present it to people, saying that you have done what is research definition. No, research should be a systematic means that there are some very important steps that you should follow so that you can reach the conclusion.

For example think of that there are some people back then in history they thought they had a question about what makes a plant grow. So they did a kind of systematic search for answers and then they came to the point that for a plant to grow, it needs light, for a planted seed to grow it needs water, for plants to grow it needs soil. So the answers that they got, they got it because they did a systematic search. But at first they had a question and from a question they went and collected the data. So that they can get answers to such questions and in the end they present their answers in front . So that is the meaning of the term research.

What are the reasons that we we should do research as what is research definition?

There are three important reasons as to why we should do what is research definition:

  • The first important reason is what is research definition adds to knowledge. Research adds to knowledge means that researchers undertake research so that they can contribute to an existing information or an on issue. So they contribute knowledge to a certain topic. For example, someone did a certain what is research definition and found out certain results. So some other researcher can go and do another research so that they can contribute to the existing result to extend it from the previous researchers. What they have done so through what is research definition. What we do, we develop results that help to answer certain questions and we accumulate these results and then we gain a deeper understanding of certain problems. So there can be problems or there can be questions and then what we do, we collect data. We follow certain procedures so that we can collect data. Such data can be used to provide answers to the questions or to the problems that exist. So those results, they are taken as additional to the knowledge that existed.
  • As what is Research definition improves practice. Thinking of this, you are in a particular institution. Let’s say a bank institution and there is a way that you do your things. But you don’t do it effectively or you don’t do it efficiently. So you decide to do research so that you can find some better ways to do or to do your So, research is important because it suggests some improvements for a practice. For example, you are in a company that provides certain services but your clients keep complaining about some problem. Then you decide to do research. After you do what is research definition, you come up with the answers with these clients. They are complaining because of one, two and three. So it is this what is research definition that has offered new ideas that you can use to improve the ways of doing your jobs.
  • Another one is what is research definition that informs policy debates. There are people that are called the police makers and governments etc. They need a kind of information that will help them to come up with some regulations or some policies. So what is research definition provides information to these police makers. When they research and debate about certain topics then it is the results from the research that help them to come up with the policies. In the end those policies help to improve certain activities in the country or in an organization

Problem with research

As per what is research definition there are some problems in the process of research. Not every research is considered to be researchable. Not every problem or not every question is considered to be researchable that means not each and every question you say can result in finding and answers. It’s not possible for every result of research to be a true result. Despite the importance of what is research definition, we also need to evaluate the results of such research. Evaluation of results of such research includes its contributions. Sometimes these results show a kind of findings that are contradictory or a findings that are not clear and findings that are vague.

There is an issue of questionable data. So not every result that we get from what is research definition is considered to be true results. It depends if you have this situation. For example, an author may not have gathered information from people who are able to understand and address the problem. For example you want to see problems firstly by an IT personnel in a certain organization but instead of going to IT people. And ask questions about IT issues you go to an agriculturalist or you go to a doctor and ask questions that regard IT. The truth is you will get answers that will not address the problem at hand. If you want questions about IT issues then you need to ask the right people.

You may want to find the answers about the acceptability of a certain issue. In order to have appropriate statistical conclusions then you need to have a reasonable number of participants in your study. The people that you will get the information from need to be a good number. Sometimes the type of data collection methods that we use may bring some questions. For example you have a survey that you use in your study and you put some questions that are ambiguous. In the end, the value that even the person that is giving you is asking such questions, doesn’t understand what questions, what does those do. Those questions mean so if you have ambiguous questions or argue questions. Then without the results of what is research definition. So that’s another problem with the data that are collected.

So another situation is a researcher may have chosen an inappropriate statistic for analyzing the data. As we know, we said that research is a systematic process. As it is a systematic process it reaches a point that you need to analyze the data so that you can make sense out of the data that you have collected. But not every statistical technique that is available there can be used for every what is research definition. There are some statistical techniques that will suit certain data types. So you have to use appropriate statistical techniques so that you can analyze data and get real results of that.

So those are the problems with the research.

What are the steps in the process of what is research definition

What are the steps in fact when researchers conduct a study? What they do when they proceed through a distinct set of steps. You need to follow certain steps. This process of researching it consists of a number of steps.

  1. The first step is identification of what is research definition We start by identification of a research problem. Then it is followed by a literature review or review of the literature. Then it is followed by specifying a purpose for the research and it is followed by design of what is research definition. Then we collect the data and analyze data and we interpret and report. So those are the steps as we have said speaking of identification of a research problem. It consists of some steps. For example, when you say we are identifying what is research definition problem, the first thing that we do is specify a certain issue to study. There is a problem you have to specify. That problem and speaking of a problem is you have two situations. You have the current situation and you have the desired situation. If there is a difference between the current situation and the desired situation then it creates a problem. For example, not having water somewhere in a class it’s not a problem but the problem comes when people become thirsty. They need water. No, that is a desired situation. So it’s a problem. So while doing what is research definition you have to have a problem and speaking of a problem it’s a question at the end.

(i) We develop what we call justification for studying it. Not every question needs answers. There are some questions that are just there. They don’t need answers. So you have to build a justification as to why you want to find answers for a certain question. So that is what we say you develop a justification for studying. (ii) After you have developed a justification for studying then you suggest the importance of studying for certain audiences that will read the report. Because not every result of what is research definition is needed for each and every one. There are some specific type of people that will read your report and that will read your findings. So you suggest your importance as to why this kind of issue needs to be addressed.

  1. Another step is review. The literature review also has some steps: one when you say literature review it means that you locate and summarize books. You locate journals or index the publications on a certain topic. You have a certain topic. Your research speaking of a topic you had a problem, that problem was built from a certain topic. So what you do is you locate and summaries regarding the topic of books or journals or publications. Then you choose among those books or among those journals in those publications. Then you choose which one among those it can be included in your review. Then after that you summarize that literature in a written report. So you read about the topic then you have several books or several summaries or several journals or publications. Then among those in many books regarding a certain topic you narrow them. You take those that you can use for your study. Then from there you read and summarize those literatures in a written report. That is the second step. That we call a literature review.
  2. But after literature review we have another step that is a specification of the purpose of the what is research definition. Specifying the purpose of what is research definition means you have to specify the purpose, the intent, why do you want to do the research? What is your aim? What is your objective? So specifying the purpose of what is research definition means you identify the objective of your research but it doesn’t end there. You have to narrow that objective into small other objectives that we call them specific objectives. Then you narrow them again into a number of questions or hypotheses, we call those questions what is research definition. Hypothesis kind of predictions or the kind of answers that you predict will be given or will be the answers for the questions that you have.
  3. Another step that follows is the design of what is research definition. Design of your research depends on what you do? It depends on what approach of the research that you go. You can have research that includes a quantitative analysis and you have another research that has a qualitative approach. A kind of quantitative approach. So if you are doing a quantitative. A quantitative study then there are a number of some designs that you can use. You can do what is research definition as either an experiment or you can do what is research definition as a correlation study or you can do research as a survey or you can have a qualitative kind of research that you can do. Using grounded theory you can do what is research definition using ethnography or you can do research using a narration or sometimes you can do research as a combination of the two and the methods that you can use. You can use mix methods or what we call action research but in the process of design there is where you will decide what kind of approach you use. You will decide on the area of study. You will decide on the types of data that will collect the methods of collecting data. The sampling techniques methods that you use to come up with the participants that you need. So that is what it means by research design.
  4. After doing what is research definition design what is next is you collect data. Collecting data involves a number of stages. You have to select the individuals that you will use to start. You have to say how you deal with the students, undergraduate or secondary school students or primary school students. Or I will deal with the employees either the private sector employees or the public sector employees. So you select the individuals that you will use as the source of information to you. To your start after you have selected individuals then you obtain permission to ask them questions. You just don’t go to each and every person and ask questions. You won’t get answers. So you have to obtain permission. Permission to ask them questions or permission to do what is research definition. You move to the second step of research to the other step of research that is we call analyzing data. Analyzing data means that you have collected the data. Then you break down the data so that you can get some sense out of the data. Then after that you represent such data that you are broken down into something from. For example, you can have a lot of data then you aggregate them. You find summaries of them or you find average or you find mean median. Some things like that the process of analyzing data involves some statistical or logical techniques. These statistical and logical techniques that we use help in making sense out of the data that we have collected. After we have done analysis we represent the data. Then data can be represented in the form of figures or in the form of tables or a kind of explanation we call detailed explanation.

So you can have some graphs to represent data. For example, you have gathered information about males and females liking certain things. You will get a number of males and a number of females and they represent them in a graph to get a kind of visualization of their response.

  1. The last step is interpret and report interpretation. By interpreting we mean that you explain the data. What does that mean? If you have represented data in the form of graphs or you have represented that in the form of tables then you have to explain what such data means. Then that is what we call interpretation. Then you decide on audiences. Which audiences what kind of data should they be presented to? Then in the reporting you structure the report and write the report sensitively but the last step is very important. After you have done what is research definition using all these steps that you have mentioned in the end you have to do what we call evaluation of your research. When you say evaluation what it means is you assess the quality of your study but you use certain standards. For advanced by certain individuals in a certain sector you measure or you assess. Whether certain standards have been followed so that not to notify such results to make those results goody results.

So those are the steps in the process of research.

About Research Journal Global Research Letters

Research Journal Global Research Letters brings you to a major source of information regarding research. The question that arises in our minds when we hear research is what research is? And what are the reasons one should do research? There must be some solid research to pursue a person to do research. Research Journal Global Research Letters provide you the knowledge that is required to carry out a research. The definition of research, the steps of research along with reasons for research have been mentioned in these articles.

Research Journal Global Research Letters also makes you aware regarding the limitations or drawbacks of research. When one decides to conduct a research one must be aware of the drawbacks it has. The techniques to overcome those drawbacks have also been stated. Research Journal Global Research Letters is a worldwide scholarly publisher committed to giving the academic & research community the finest open access publishing experience possible. It holds everything about research with an authentic source. Research Journal Global Research Letters is the best choice when one decides to surf the internet and gain information regarding research.

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