Hello guys welcome to research made easy and in today’s video i’m going to discuss to you what is a research publication journal,journal for publication if you are enrolled in a research subject your professor or instructor might have told you about preparing a research article about the study that you are undertaking so the reason for that is that is preparing your study to be published in a publication journal,journal for publication so that’s why you are asked to prepare a research article for a publication but what is a research publication journal,journal for publication a research publication journal,journal for publication is a periodical that contains articles written by experts in a filter study who report the results of research in that particular field these articles are intended to be ready by other experts or to be read by other experts or students of the same field but how do how do you distinguish a publication journal,journal for publication from other publications these are the characteristics of a research publication journal,journal for publication so number one is its purpose usually a research article published in a research publication journal,journal for publication communicate the results of research in the field of study covered by the publication journal,journal for publication so research articles reflect a systematic and tourist study of a single topic often involving experiments or surveys so that is for the purpose another one is the appearance so research articles are often printed one column to a page as in books and this and these are often graphs tables or charts referring to specific points in the study or in the article the third one is authority so research publication journal,journal for publications or research articles are written by the person who did the research being reported so when more than two authors are listed for a single article the first author listed is often the primary researcher who coordinated or supervised the work done by the other authors next is validity or reliability so research articles submitted to research publication journal,journal for publications are evaluated by by an editorial board and other experts before they are accepted for publication this evaluation also called peer review is designed to ensure that articles published are based on a solid research that meets the normal standards of the fields of study covered by the publication journal,journal for publication next is the writing style so articles in research publication journal,journal for publications usually contain an advanced vocabulary since the author used technical language or jargon of their field of study so depends on the type of study that you are undertaking the kind of research article that you are going to make is based on the criteria set by the publication or the conference where you are going to submit your study for application and the last one are references so the authors of research articles always indicate the sources of their information these references are usually listed at the end of the article but they may appear in the form of footnotes and notes or a bibliography if you are new to this channel don’t forget to like comment subscribe and share thank you.
Global research letters (GRL) are a great way to separate scholarly journals from other types of publications. Because GRLs are intended to publish brief and succinct research pieces, they often only cover the most recent and ground-breaking studies. Because of this, GRLs are frequently regarded as a top source for learning about the most recent advancements and discoveries in a certain sector.
Also, GRLs are frequently indexed in popular databases like PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus, making them simple to find and access. This makes it simpler for researchers to locate publications that focus on their topic and to stay current with the most recent findings. Moreover, GRLs frequently employ a strict peer-reviewing procedure to guarantee the calibre of the published articles. When conducting research or attempting to advance current knowledge, it is critical to have confidence that the articles you read have undergone thorough review and are of the highest calibre. This is made possible by identifying GRLs in a certain topic.