Global Research Letters

How to Get Published in International journals

Good evening my dear colleagues welcome to inget zoom series 44 after a short break today our guest speaker is associate professor doctor museum nasa ginger naslujan is currently working at the department of foreign language foreign languages education gaza university where she’s also the social affairs wise coordinator she’s the editorial board member of european international journal of teacher education and review a reviewer of some prestigious international journals in teaching and teacher education and definitely this experience is going to be reflected on her presentation uh this evening her the title of her talk is how to get published in international  international journals thank you nasdorjan for accepting to be our guest and welcome again the screen is all yours thank you very much for joining i’m sharing my screen okay so it was it’s nice to be here with you thank you for coming and i don’t jump uh before all i would like to thank you very much for inviting me for this um webinar uh i felt so honored actually and my dear professors colleagues and students welcome to my presentation i hope you will find it useful and before i start i would like to say that i will take your questions at the end of my presentation so i think we can get started okay today we are going to talk about how to get published in international  international journalsI can see many expert um professors here who are really expert in uh publishing uh their papers in very prestigious international journals so at the end of the session um i would like to take their well implications and their ideas about how to get published in such international journals uh from a different perspective as well okay so today’s agenda is about uh what we should do before the publication process and what kind of things we should consider for writing for publication how we should submit what is the value of peer review and what happens after we are accepted i mean i will refer to the post publication process of international journals . Before we start writing our paper first we need to tailor our article to the international journal i think um in order to do to do this we should first prepare a international journal short list how can we do it how can we prepare a international journal shortlist first we should identify our audience why we are why are we writing our paper who is our audience we should know about this first of all and we should have a clear aim for this because it will affect the type of international journal that we are going to submit our paper the second step is to answer some questions like which international journals  do you usually read related to your study while you are uh considering such a study right considering writing such as study or carrying out such a study so which international journals do you usually read that’s important because your study will most probably be published in such international journals  in these international journals  . The second question that you should always think about is what international journals  you aim to cite in your paper this can also help you better understand the type of international journals  your paper will be suitable for. Another option to prepare your international journals  shortlist uh can be to consult your colleagues or let’s say significant others in your field you may ask your colleagues um rivers around you maybe or your professors i’m sure they will help you and guide you about it um i have discovered uh this tool which was called a international journal suggester uh by taylor and francis you may copy and paste the abstract of your article right and click on reveal suggested international journals  button button and there the system will list uh the international journals  that your paper may have the opportunity to get published right so you may try this tool um to ensure that your paper is suitable for those international journals . After you have a roughly a list of several international journals  in your mind I advise you to check those international journals ’ scope aims and especially the previous articles which were published in those international journals  that will also help you better understand what kind of things you should pay attention to while preparing your manuscript and of course that’s not over uh yet you should also review the editorial board why is this important because the international journals  you have selected for your own study uh have of course several editorial boards. I mean each international journal has its own editorial board yeah consisting of maybe 15 or 20 editorial board members um as we all know in each um volume editors publish their editorials and those editorials actually are the tips which give us the clue about what kind of topics we should focus on to get published in that international journal so maybe you may skip reading that editorial part but i strongly recommend you to read over uh the editorial part in the international journals you aim to submit your paper and i will also mention it in the future slides but this is also important to better understand the editorial board members perspectives and approaches to your topic to your field of interest right please check their previous previous studies what kind of topics uh they focused on in their previous uh articles and what kind of topics these editors usually uh tend to publish in that international journal that’s very important and in order to fully understand this you should review the editorial board um most international journals prepare calls for papers uh at different intervals why not pay attention to those calls and look for what kind of um questions they pose to the researchers and maybe tailor your article accordingly or tailor your um very rough study accordingly that can also be an option for you after you have let’s say uh focused on the uh list of international journals for sure okay then you may check instructions for uh authors you should consider the word count formatting and style guidelines um this can be one of the reasons why you are rejected at the end of the submission process so this part is important and unfortunately as it happens in different fields we also have predatory international journals in our field in order to check in order to make sure that the international journal you have selected uh is reliable uh you can use this link think check it will help you identify the transportiness of the international journal so after we have finished this let’s come back to writing part writing for publication which is i think a very difficult and time consuming part uh let’s say um here are some general good writing ideas um i try to um how can i say reflect on my own experiences and ideas in this part so i hope you will find them useful um i think it’s better for me to start preparing your tables and figures before you’ll start your manuscript write your paper why some people have the tendency to write their abstract first and then continue the natural order well that’s an option it’s that depends on the researcher of course but um after we prepare our data in tables and figures or charts whatever we will better see what kind of data we have with us and we can better relate uh what we are going to uh talk about or mention in the literature part and how we can comment uh on the findings in the discussion part etc so it’s kind it’s like a mind map for us and therefore i think it will be useful for us first to see the data in tables and figures and then we can move on with the literature review part and this part should cover every aspect of the manuscript in terms of theory it should have a solid theory this part in terms of academic writing skills.

I will suggest not to summarize the literature that you have read um please avoid laundry list style of writing here he said that he claimed that she thought like that etc etc so avoid such laundry style of writing instead try to use analyzing synthesizing and paraphrasing techniques in this way the readers will more easily and better be involved in your literature review part um you should provide a clear and solid theoretical framework with tensions challenges problems and in that field in the field of your research area so you may discuss what we know that’s quite normal you may identify the gap in the literature and then finally you should relate your study to that gap this is very important this part will um let’s say give the message that yes there is a gap here and i’m trying to fill in this gap uh through this study you’re giving this message this impression so a discussion uh discussing the uh previous studies and the solid theoretical framework here is very important as for the methodology part after the literature review part um we should make sure that we cover all the stop heading the methodology part is the place where we show uh our research uh can be replicable uh can be uh carried out in different contexts uh through these steps so we should be very clear and simple in the findings and results part again we can present our findings in order of importance um this part is important especially in quantitative studies why because some researchers may have the tendency to just repeat the data statistical data in words we can see it on the table so why are you repeating those numbers statistical data again just interpret what they mean for us for international readership or international readers actually so that’s important not to repeat the information mentioned in the figures or tables and of course we should clearly state what we have found and we should relate it to any figure or table if we have any in our manuscript as for the discussion and conclusion parts interpreting and discussing our findings from most to least important is important we should think about what are the implications of our study in order to discuss this part better we may refer to previous studies that we mentioned in the literature review and we can think about um if they are consistent with our findings or not and if they are so why if they are not why not so because this can also be another finding for us or another implication for us um never forget to have issues for future research in this part i know that in some international journals discussion and conclusion are two separate parts but here i just wanted to approach it uh approach them uh from from from the same perspective so i uh edit them in the same on the same slide and finally we should acknowledge the limitations of our study um because uh mentioning the limitations of our study uh will help readers i think uh better uh show our expertise in this field because uh you give the message uh to the international reader that i know this topic i know this uh research design and under these limited conditions i did this and that you show it it also shows that you’re being sincere um and honest so this is very important the limitations of the study so now we can come back to the introduction part after you have finished the discussion and conclusion part you can see um not of course the whole paper but most of the paper in your hand will be will be in your hand so that means uh you will better see the parts of your paper and it will facilitate your introduction writing so you should in this part you should provide background information to your readers and why you focus on this topic you should convince to believe why you focused on this topic um also in this part it is important to uh explain why our study is internationally important and relevant remember i told you to review the editorial board yeah at this part it will help you it will save you because the future the previous studies of editorial board members uh will uh work at this part right and what is the international perspective in your study in international  international journalseditors will always look for this the international perspective if your study remains too local to um country specific uh most probably you will be rejected so providing that international perspective is very important and um trying to um let’s say uh explain why your study will be a good fit for this international journal um it can be can be accomplished uh in this part yes so the introduction part also is over and what is next the abstract um first check the international journal’s word limit for word limit for the abstract in this part you can mention your research aim methodology and main findings we should be clear and avoid any abbreviations or too much technical language here i think the abstract is the most important part of a paper because the editors and readers um especially when they don’t have so so much time will first read your abstract and decide whether to continue or stop right so it should be appealing to the international broader audience.

Okay so you’re also you also have finished writing your abstract and when we check the abstract introduction literature methodology discussion and conclusion with your references of course so do you think we are ready to submit of course no not yet so what is missing the review process um it may take us some time to to write to deal with the paper um i think we should give a break maybe for a week i don’t know maybe for a month that depends on you why because we are too much involved in the writing process right we can’t isolate ourselves from the paper so in order to start self-review i think that break is important it will help us um be maybe better objective towards our paper in the self-review part uh also we should focus on the message we should look for the message or argument we want to convey in our paper if we can find it if we can understand our message clearly then that’s good this is this is very important for self review and for peer review you may ask a clique who is new to your field to review the paper in terms of ambiguity or clarity maybe unconsciously you’re using too much um technical language so that may hinder readers to understand your paper and it may be another reason for rejection so using this technique will help you understand if your language is complex or not and also proofreading in this peer review part is important um again ap we should look for check the apa rules for references tables and figures throughout the paper.

I think we should not exaggerate references and citations because based on my previous experiences sometimes reviewers find our in-text citations too many so they warn us to reduce the number of studies for example we have used in our paper that can be also one of the resources for criticism and of course that’s that’s i think more more important than everything please avoid uh plagiarism and self-plagiarism uh in the peer review your partner or your colleague may check for the plagiarism or self-plagiarism um part yeah and um after we have um let’s say finished review the review process self review or peer review um we should also prepare a cover letter uh a cover letter is very important because it is the tool communication tool between you and the editor uh you you you don’t know the editor most of the time you don’t know the editor um in order to better explain yourself your study it’s a chance for you to to help the editor better understand you your perspective in your own words not in um technical language so we should explain our study in our own words here by referring to the aims and the scope of the international journal and also mentioning the scope of the international journal um if this is the revision of the revised version of our paper then in the cover letter we should respond to each reviewer comment here that is very important why we are accepting the changes or viewer comments or why we are rejecting them in order to as i said clarify ourselves preparing a cover letter is very important because it’s going to be the tool for communication between the editor and the author and now we are ready to submit and once you submit your paper now we should be patient and wait for the results um there may be four different uh responses to your submission for your submission the first one can be rejection the editor may reject our paper and there are some reasons for rejection it may be the wrong international journal maybe you should go back to the first stage and think about your international journal shortlist once again it may not be a proper international journal article i mean your paper may not be a proper international journal article in terms of formatting or style guidelines it may be too long you may exceed the word limits or it may be too short your academic writing may be problematic throughout the paper the language proficiency um again throughout your paper maybe poor um so you may need to get your paper proof read by another maybe i don’t know native speaker or a professor um and also your study may not be scientifically sound right yeah that can also be um another reason um of course there are some other reasons for rejection maybe your study really does not make any new contribution to that field uh there may be too many similar articles uh on that topic so the editor may not uh prefer your study the theoretical framework may not be explained enough may not be satisfactory enough or there may be some unethical issues or too much technical language use also may cause you to be rejected and as i told you before it may be too local your study your findings and your implications may remain too local or country specific and in that case the editor will probably reject your paper the second response response type that you may get after your submission can be um article transfer option in some international journals we have this your paper may not be suitable for that international journal then the publisher advises you to submit your study to submit your paper to a different international journal and in that case uh we advise the author authors to do this it can be something beneficial for the authors i believe so if you get this answer i think you should um you should think about it very carefully and try submitting your paper to another international journal because you have already received comments from different reviewers so that’s that’s a very huge gain i think the third response type can be revised and resubmit through major or minor revisions um if the editor’s decision is to revise and resubmit keep calm and continue revising your paper don’t give up and this part is very important because the editor gives you a second chance um so i think you can give it a try right and of course the fourth option will be acceptance and what can i say here congratulations uh your paper is accepted you’re there so the publication process still is not over um now we will continue with the post publication part after your study your paper is accepted um of course you will go through some uh publishing policy uh procedures by the publisher but for your own um for your own side i can say that you should promote your research in different steps ways first you may announce your study on social media but don’t just um post your title or hey i’m accepted see my study here don’t prefer such a style try to inform the readers a broader audience about the value about the importance of your study by using a daily language in order to better communicate your message in the paper you may tag significant others you may have co-authors publisher and your institution you may use hashtags maybe your keywords um one way which i very like i think uh very like uh can be to video record yourself and explain your study in your own words and then by using this multimedia tool um you will reach out to maybe a broader audience who knows um you may create your researcher profile if you haven’t but many of us have this on google scholar researchgate etc you may share your e-prints because the international journal usually allows 50e prints links for the authors and they are free to share those e-print links to their colleagues with their colleagues um um i saw this technique in some british researchers emails you may give a link to your research in your email signature and some of them give a link to their research list but some do it just for their recent most recent study that’s also an option for promotion for promoting your research now i may get your questions and i will try to answer them thank you very much nasham it was really wonderful i kept taking lots of notes here i hope i will get published soon right um dave noah jam says what is self-plagiarism can you give some examples yeah for example if you don’t cite your previous work it can be self-plagiarism so it’s like for example i have written an article and uh the next time i write an article and i use the same ideas i need to uh quote myself yes cite that previous article otherwise it will be stealing from myself yes it’s unacceptable yeah in articles definitely i totally agree with you uh that is not ethical uh yeah okay sometimes senator jam uh what looks weird i’m sorry i missed your point would you like to unmute yourself and say that yourself uh hello hi hi citing our previous work sometimes it looks weird because iris like i always said this this this this and it is me and it looks is somehow weird but it’s a must yeah erda mojo had a wonderful presentation on this topic if you’re interested please visit our youtube channel and watch it and he definitely explained why self-plagiarism is a kind of plagiarism and it’s not allowed in our academic world uh as nowhere says may we have the slideshare is it okay if you put down your email address in the chat box and if people are interested they can contact you we are going to share the video anyways next week but if you if you do need these slides don’t forget to use them ethically okay uh so yeah once we publish we no longer own that word amando yes yes definitely that’s a wonderful point uh my dojo says sometimes our colleagues are too busy to proofread our work there are a number of proofreading websites or web tools as you know do you recommend using one of them do you have a favorite one yeah um i well i think grammarly is a good choice for this of course there are many others which i can’t remember exactly right now uh but i can write them uh prepare my own list for this purpose and share it with my dojo okay i have a question if it’s okay with you sure uh well we kind of uh have written about this in the chat box but most probably you missed them because you were busy presenting uh you kept saying throughout your presentation that we should avoid too much technical language we should not use too much technical language and it’s kind of got a bit confusing for me we are writing a an academic study so the readers are gonna be from our field as well so why do we need to avoid jargon professional jargon is technical language professional jargon do you mean um of course there are there will be some technical language which we should use because we are writing an academic paper but the publishers are concerned about reaching out to broader audience so our paper should be well understood by many many others at an international level and that that’s why uh they usually are hesitant about uh this okay well it’s it’s still not very clear in my mind because i don’t personally read for example articles in physics because it’s not my field i may read blogs or i may read general information but i don’t read articles so well well maybe that’s why i don’t get published internationally and also too much technical language will also um prevent uh even our own audience to maybe follow us uh to understand our point clearly so yeah okay another jam says could be the statistical jargon uh armando jam said something in the chat box i fell in love with that statement where is it amanda jump do you remember that could you please share it with us i think it was about rather than avoiding jargon as such avoiding variety in jargon uh to aim for unity of expression because uh what we learn when we learn how to write in english uh in english classes we we learn how to use different uh synonyms don’t we you know stop using don’t keep using nice but use variety of words however when we come to scientific writing uh unity of expression is really important where um if you’re going to for your uh particular article if you’re going to call it self-regulation call it self-regulation rather than calling it um rather than searching for a synonym because sometimes uh writers can do that so unity of expression so this is the word and you just keep using that throughout yeah being consistent with the words keywords is very important there that’s sorry about that just reminds me in recent times because of covid we’ve had things like distance education online education emergency education and they’re all actually really quite different things but sometimes people have been trying to use them uh yes interchangeably yeah okay thank you very much excellent point um well amanda jam always has great ideas uh okay i have another question for you this is more like an opinion question though recently some uh shady international journals ask for a fee or a small donation to publish your work what do you think of those is it ethical uh really to just because we need some more academic work to have to pay someone to publish our work i see your question for john well i don’t want to discuss about uh this is your personal opinion yeah of course we are not going to discuss idea i mean my preference is always not to get published in international journals which require publication charge which are publication fee right so i don’t prefer them they may have their own reasons i don’t know okay sedator calls them predatory ones yeah um in our group i also follow sedator john’s posts and i see his ideas about it yes and he also has added here fortunately they are not accepted for academic degrees.

I’m so glad to hear that uh if if that’s true it’s a relief for me really peter norjam says when you read some articles in turkish you may realize they are taken from other foreign resources i mean they are translated into turkish and published by different authors do you know is there a way to detect those i don’t know any tool to detect it well opinion or jam good news for you learn chinese quickly and translate some articles well of course i mean if someone is going to do something unethical there’s no way of stopping that person we live uh in the yeah giving examples nowadays so editors need to detect them right yeah of course it’s educated definitely says responsibility yeah some editors are are not editors well that’s another point okay um what what kind of a moderator am i i have all the questions here now another question i have here uh you said that if the uh research that we have carried out er contains uh a local problem our work may get rejected because it’s not generalizable because it doesn’t have international uh perspective perspective now it is very hard to carry out a research on international uh platforms so is there a a tip that you can offer us to make a local work more uh generalizable well actually i mean the problem uh of course the study will be carried out in our own local context that’s quite normal but the important part is to relate our study our trial to fill in that gap in the literature to the international uh field that’s what i mean we may have a problem in turkey a specific problem we may have that problem in different countries as well so that is important to be parallel right uh here and include as many previous studies as we can that were carried out in different parts of the world and that’s how we can relate our problem to the international area yeah amanda you have something to add yes something related to this that’s what not uh just to add on to what nasa hold you said there which is is completely true is that if you can position turkey uh within the rest of the world for example turkey is an oecd country and what we can do is like um for example uh teacher quality is a concern in oacd countries and turkey is an oecd country so so i think that’s one way we can do it as well you know turkey okay we’ve got a very local context here but um we’ve got a global connection there you know we’re not completely separated or isolated so i think that’s what we need to do there a little bit sort of connect where we are within that uh international context and referring to the oecd things or pisa scores or um that kind of thing can be quite useful because a framing yeah right excellent point yeah okay sometimes some international journals call for specific local studies they have no jam says that okay and said dr jam similar studies were carried out in the states italy france and some asian countries we would like to study the same topic in our context okay uh ali what are the outcomes in practice uh a difficult question now zoja what are the outcomes in practice of plagiarism for an academician i mean from least to the most serious one for example downgrading their academic titles or maybe being ordered by a relevant court to pay independation are you being satirical here is this a real question it’s a real question believe me because uh we live in such a country that plagiarism uh claims uh can sometimes be uh without any legal sanction and i do wonder what happens i think well at least in my writing classes i don’t accept i don’t tolerate plagiarism i think that’s enough for me well we have seen some uh examples in our society unfortunately and we know that there are no uh legal well you know because it’s uh i don’t know the correct terminology term for that it’s a theft of effort yeah it makers is the if i’m correct but if someone is stealing your work and there is no uh penalty for that it’s so sad and it’s a shame i think it’s my humble opinion i totally agree with you and i don’t think that i have anyone in this group who’s going to disagree with you we all agree with you but unfortunately unfortunately fill in the blanks well in my writing class again i use writing for publication project i want to mention it a little bit um well each month our writing class students freshmen uh writing new um essay depending on the depending on the topic and the type of the essay and at the end of the month after i review all of them i select the best paper or best papers sometimes because there may be more than one and i contact those students ask for their permission and finally i get them published in in yet newsletter in this way they feel motivated and it is the very first step for them to start writing for publication yeah so page no german as you can see there are teachers there are teachers as we say some professors at the university do their best to help their students become good people good academics good teachers some don’t care this is very human isn’t it so uh let’s uh have a positive uh viewpoint about this let’s let’s forget about those bad examples okay there just a few okay okay okay uh well i believe uh we have discussed this and yeah i can i can see your point no job uh by the way i have this uh intention of calling everyone hojam because whoever joins these sessions are either teachers instructors professors or prospective teachers so that’s that’s okay even if you’re a student you’re a hoja for me in a good sense not a bad sense uh don’t be pessimistic pain no uh just don’t forget about these bad examples when you become a teacher okay because we can always learn from good people and bad people and i believe you have learned a very good lesson from that instructor are there any other questions or comments or can i close the session okay so i i also want to share this video with the audience yeah this is how we start and how we end i like this it is excellent just threw a question on us do you believe that some editors or reviewers have prejudices about turkish researchers no i don’t think so okay as long as the study is well qualified highly qualified i think the nationality should not be the matter uh yeah okay uh senator jam personally i do agree with this question because i do have the same question in my mind unfortunately but this uh visual is excellent i mean it it’s wonderful of course there are lots of thank yous in the check box lots of good comments uh maslo jam thank you very much it was a pleasure to be with you and listen to you and we learned a lot and we have talked uh on several different topics thanks to you thank you very much hopefully we will have another session with you in the future and learn more about this uh by the way in among the audience we have uh excellent and great professors and associate professors and assistant professors and they all have works published internationally besides their national publications of course so there is always hope yeah and i wish all of us uh all the best for our future publishing and neighbors yeah yeah thank you for listening to me thank you very much nozzle jump thank you very much my dear colleagues for being with us and hope to see you again next week take good care of yourselves bye-bye.

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